from TheNewEarth Website
Although these Messages of the coming Earth
Changes and Ascension of Planet Earth given by the Ashtar Command in
the 1980's through Tuella (Thelma Terrell) have since been long
delayed in their outcome, mainly through the strong efforts of the
Forces of Darkness to eliminate or postpone the event, the
instruction and program contained therein remains largely unchanged
and applicable to the now fast approaching times of final cleansing.
CONTENTS PART I: The Seven Secret Councils
Chapter 1: The New Strategy
2: The Summons to the Secret Councils Chapter 3: The Hosts of
Heaven Sponsor a Feast of New Experiences
4: Returning to the Battle PART II: The Three Evacuations
Chapter 1: Mission of Mercy
2: The Gathering Storm
3: The Cleansing Action
4: The Great Exodus I, II, and III
PREFACE Just as many are
called and few are chosen, likewise, many who read this book will neither
understand nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom
it is intended will rejoice in its guidance and accept its timely and
imperative revelation.
This information is not entertainment! It
is comparable to 'sealed orders' given to dedicated volunteers on a
strategic mission. It is dispersed to them, compiled for them and will be
cherished by them. It is neither defended nor justified. It is data
recorded as given and passed on to those for whom it is intended.
We are pleased to welcome to these· pages in a sharing experience,
the words of other beloved messengers who serve the Intergalactic Fleets.
The many informative and clarifying contributions of 'Lucien' (Lucy
Colson), Johnnie Prochaska, 'Lyara', and Winfield
Brownell, are deeply appreciated in filling out the theme.
your inner truth identifies you as a volunteer from another realm or world
on an assignment to Earth, these words are for you! If you are persuaded
you are one of the 'Star People,' you will read this volume with awareness
and clarity. If you are a disciple or initiate of the Higher Revelation,
you will discern and perceive the purpose of this message from other
dimensions of being. If you are a growing, glowing Christian, just
beginning to look up and outward beyond the walls of manmade divisions of
Earthly ecclesiastical hierarchies, your heart will witness to these
things. If you are not consciously any of these, read not to scoff, but to
hold these revelations in your heart while you "wait and see. "
Elisha prayed that other eyes might be opened to see - and eyes were
opened, 'To behold the mountains filled with horses and chariots of fire
all around Elisha - so do I fervently call that your vision, as well, be
lifted up and expanded, as if by a miracle, to perceive that our planet is
'encompassed about with such a great cloud of
Jesus-Sananda, THE Christ
“There must
be peace on Earth. There must be an end to wars and hatred between
brothers. The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off
galaxies to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have My staunch support
and backing for all of their endeavors. They have come in My Name and
they serve under My Banner, as Lord of this Planet. They come not as
intruders nor usurpers of My Authority, but in loving subjection to the
Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System, and the Divine Plan for
mankind, the deliverance from bondage that has long held Humanity in
subjection to darkness and sorrow.
“This shall be no more, for
these come as My Angels, to reap that which has been sown, to divide and
set asunder the tares from the wheat, to gather the wheat into My Barn.
For I AM the householder who cometh at the end of the day for an account
from His Servants, and to give to all men justly in the manner given by
them to Me. So judgment must come; divisions and sorrows must come, but
the Earth shall survive all of its totterings. The Just shall inherit
the New Earth and the Meek shall know the joy therein.
“I am
Sananda, known to you as Jesus THE Christ. I speak
in the Authority of My Name and My Office, and I say to you that in the
multitudes of the people of the Earth there shall be found that Remnant
who can steadfastly be faithful to those right principles of my
teaching. Those who come In My Name go from heart to heart, sealing them
against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all
that would destroy. But you shall NOT be taken out of your physical
forms, but you shall be spared to live on in those days that follow. So,
I shall call unto those who follow Me, to listen to the voices of these
who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their
words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE unto them and desire for their
coming, for They are the Angels of the Harvest!
I am
Sananda, and this is My Message to the World.
by the Ashtar
In time of
war upon the Earth, a shrill siren is used to alert the populace that
danger is approaching and that they should retire themselves to a place of
shelter immediately. We of the Interplanetary Alliance and Space Commands
of this hemisphere, known collectively as the Ashtar Command, do now, with
the sending forth of this book, sound the siren of warning to mankind.
Danger is upon you. Drop everything and prepare yourselves. It is
time to run toward the shelter of Divine Love and Guidance and to take
with you only that which you can carry within the inner citadel of being.
The early times of this decade will see the fulfillment of all the
prophecies that have been released to the world.
Down through many
cultures, and century after century, we have permitted our Highest and
Brightest of souls to come to you and walk amongst you, to teach, to lift
and become your friends. You have been taught many things, shown many
things, awakened step by step to a higher way of life, an elevated
approach to life, and a better way of existence. Precept upon precept, we
have lifted you from one level to another.
Many have benefited and
have arisen from their darkness and followed that Light. These have
intuitively known that the summons was a call to know themselves and
thereby, to undertake that refining of themselves that would reveal the
inner divinity. Others have turned their interest elsewhere, ignored the
outstretched hand of God, and lifetime after lifetime of opportunity has
been squandered by detrimental choices.
Now it is time to separate
these groups in keeping with their choices, and let those who refuse the
advancement of their being remain together according to their own desires.
The few who have burned within their hearts to find the Ultimate Reality
will be permitted to follow these aspirations in the setting of a New
World, cleansed and made bright by Universal action.
we have noticed the tendency of the planet and its people to pull toward
an influence designed to destroy the function of free thinking and freedom
of man in making his own choices, governing himself, and managing his
national affairs. This diabolical influence has penetrated wholly within
every phase of Human life and every avenue of world diplomacy and world
statesmanship. Predictably, day by day, the freedom of Humanity has been
infiltrated with that kind of propaganda which ultimately leads mankind
away from their pure heritage as sonS of God.
The resulting
effects are seen not only in the lives of men, but within the asteroid
belt and the planet itself. When Humanity stands free, in the full Light
of God's Universal Law, all government will be 'of the people and for the
people and by the people.' But when the heritage of freedom is destroyed,
mankind becomes as puppets on Strings, stripped of honor, life, strength,
forthrightness and glory!
The Heavenly Father has placed within
the burning center of Man that likeness of Himself which enables Man to
govern himself in righteousness and peace. The destruction of this center
has been the goal of the Destroyer. Now the forces of Light and
Righteousness must rise in the defense of Humanity before it is too late.
This is the primary action taking place behind the visible scene
surrounding all of life.
Now, all levels of life will be highly
raised in frequency, and all manifestations of lower life will wither and
dissolve and be removed from the visible scene, to reconstruct the
Father's Plan for this beautiful planet. A new fresh start for Man is in
the making! The Astral Belts will be purged, the Heavens will be cleared,
the Nature Kingdom will find its true destiny and Humanity will be
glorified in keeping with the Father's design. This is corning to pass in
your generation. There is no time left to dally and consider. The hour of
decision for a planet is not only come, it is almost gone.
So it
is, the 'siren sounds' for Mankind, and there is silence in Heaven for
that moment that now is, when this great separation shall take place. You
who read are versed in the spiritual verities involved. This book will
clarify Human consciousness concerning the future on your octave. Read ...
and understand.
The Ashtar Command.
1 The Seven Secret Councils
Chapter 1: The New Strategy
It was very late. The day had ended. Silently the
darkness crept in and overshadowed us with its coolness and peace. I
gazed, spellbound, at the brilliance of the heaven world, loathe to remove
myself from the inner fullness of the moment. I was overcome with a deep
love for my friends of outer space.
Suddenly my head was
magnetically turned to the right. I sensed someone standing there. Then my
head was again magnetically pulled upward to measure the great height of
the Being at my side. He requested that I give him my hand, and I did. My
hand tingled as if asleep or touching something electrically charged. I
began to sense the presence of Many other Beings surrounding me. Their
heads were bowed in prayer. I realized they were standing very close
together, actually forming a circle.
I then became
aware that they were holding both of my hands and that I was a part of the
closely-knit circle. Together we all became a glorious beam of
white-golden Light. When the prayer ended, someone appeared in the circle
standing directly in front of me with hands extended in blessing. The
Being before me was in a jump-suit type of garment, in shiny metallic-like
material with a type of hood that fits close to the head.
His eyes were
clear blue, and it seemed he was smiling at me.
"I will speak
with you now, Tuella. I am Ashtar. I will remove my hood so that you may
perceive my appearance. (His shoulder length light blonde hair fell
straight back from the forehead and down.) Yes, I am smiling at you,
Tuella, in my love for your spiritual being. You are glowing tonight
because of the love you have been feeling. Because of this shedding
forth and giving out of the love within, you have created a shining
vortex surrounding you, and I am standing within it in a projection of
my Being. This is done mentally, just as my words are beamed to you
mentally. Hold the projection of my appearance before you as I continue
with my message for this evening."
Thus began the
various discourses which make up this text.
Ashtar is a Beloved
Christian Commander and a very beautiful Being. He is highly
evolved in the upper worlds, very influential, and has a great
benefactoring influence upon those he leads. The momentum of the
vibrations from these Great Space Beings, or Commanders, as they call
themselves, is equal to and often beyond the forcefield even of Ascended
Masters, for many have come who are Lords on their own planet, or persons
of highest repute in their own galaxies and dimensions.
We must realize
that the fact that a Being as a participating Commander within the
Confederation of Planets does not lessen in any way his or her spiritual
evolvement and ascension within his or her own lifestream. Ashtar and
those who serve with him are as real as you or I. In the Alliance of the
Space Confederation, Commander Ashtar is the highest in authority for our
hemisphere. He is also the Commander of the Star Ship upon which our
Beloved Lord and Great Commander, Jesus-Sananda, spends so
much of His time. He has the authority to clear any channel and interrupt
and take over any communication from any source at any time, upon our
planet; yet he is gentle, loving, devout, and totally inspiring as a great
I was told that this book will trigger into action Many
who are yet outside of this awareness and that the Intergalactic Fleets
would take up the work from that momentum in establishing these key souls
on their pathway and personal mission. Further, that 'all emissaries now
in embodiment will be assisted immediately to fulfill the divine plan for
their lives.'
Many who will
read the book are 'Ambassadors' from the far-flung vistas of outer space,
having volunteered to endure the limitations of fleshly existence that
they might in some way aid the coming of Light upon this planet. It was
explained to me that within the vast army of volunteers, there is an inner
circle of souls on very special missions of great responsibility to the
others, like a circle within a circle. In cosmic circles, these are
referred to as the 'Intergalactic Legion of Special Volunteers.'
It seems that Mankind must make a new adjustment of attitude
toward these intermediaries between Earth and Heaven. The Commands plead
for Mankind to accept them, their existence, their presence, their
dedication and loyalty to the Confederation and devotion to Earth, that
the Kingdom of God shall come and that Earth shall become a beautiful Sun
and part of the united Heavens.
They are
telling us now that, 'our special representatives must be lifted, taught,
and prepared to fulfill their part in the plan for rescuing the planet and
its people.'
The opening message goes as follows:
"I am Ashtar,
the Commander of ten million men of my Command surrounding this
hemisphere in the protective force within the Alliance for Peace in the
Intergalactic Council. We have called upon this Messenger to compile
this book for this point in Earth time that Mankind might consider and
understand the details of those things that could come to pass, for Our
Father doeth nothing except first He warneth His prophets.
is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near
completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the
event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary. We watch
diligently, the threat of a polar shift for the planet in your
generation. Such a development would create a planetary situation
through which none could survive. This would necessitate an evacuation
such as I have referred to.
Another Manifestation necessitating
global rescue would be the collision of an asteroid within your own
magnetic field, or the bypass of another large Heavenly body. This would
so disrupt and disturb your own grid system and energy field that all of
the inhabitants of the planet would face extinction. The negativity of
Man could magnetize these things to himself. Detailed scientific data
accumulated over long periods of monitoring the actions of the bodies
within the solar system indicates these events are within the realm of
This book is not intended to frighten anyone, but
on the contrary, to hold out the hope and confidence of our presence
with you for any time of trouble. The dangers to the planet are very
real. The resulting tragedy to Humanity would be unavoidable. However,
our presence surrounding you of the total thirty-five million members of
the Intergalactic Federation will assist you, lift you up and rescue
you, and hold you in safety.
The magnetized solar flares now
present around the Sun in its present position, in conjunction with the
planetary alignment that is presently coming into its final position,
combines to create a strong tendency to pull the Earth into untoward
motion. The possible polar shift has been greatly lessened and gentled
by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds. These are
greatly learned men who understand these things, and whose services have
gladly been given for the purpose of saving this beautiful planet. There
are also tracking units with the Ashtar Command which continually trace
the pathways of all asteroid action within this solar system and beyond.
Any threatening approach of another Heavenly body can be strongly
averted from its direction. This type of surveillance is constant.
Inner disturbances taking place within the planet itself are
direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations
of those who dwell upon it. We have repeatedly attempted to turn the
thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles.
We have dared to lower our craft into your frequencies in a visible way.
We have dared to expose ourselves in vulnerable situations in order to
convince souls of Earth of our presence.
Now we take further
steps, because of the shortness of time and the dangers that beset you
and the pressure of coming events. We come to you once again with our
call and our warning, but this time WE DARE to expose our most secret
strategy to sound the alarm that this will soon indeed be the midnight
hour. Now is the time to inventory the inner values. Therefore, we dare
to expose within the pages of this book, our plans to come out into the
open [the Galactic Federation program of 'First Contact'] and send proof
of our presence and existence back to the Earth to silence forever
arguments and denials of our overshadowing protection.
This is the
new strategy unveiled to you at this time in exposing our proposed
gatherings of those who have come to walk among you as our
representatives. They have to work in service to you, and we dare to
reveal them and their identities, for no harm can come to them. We would
simply remove them from your midst if you were to attempt to harm them
in any way.
They are citizens of your planet, who have lived
with you, suffered with you, walked with you and truly been one of you.
Now we call them forth to admit their identity, to be gathered together
to spend a brief time with us that they might return to you and share
with you the facts and the proofs of our existence and the truth of our
The Ashtar Command now sends forth this book, that you,
oh men of Earth, might be forewarned that these things shall take place.
As these are gathered with us and returned once again into your midst,
you will know that the events described in these councils are also true.
You will know that global evacuation will take place. You will be helped
and you will be rescued and by the proofs that are given our
representatives who return to you, you will know that our promises are
We leave this book upon the planet for the few who will
accept it. These words are not for the many, but for those to whom they
are sent; more importantly, that later, those who remain behind will
know why they have not been taken. Let all read and be quickened in the
inner levels of being!"
following the message from Ashtar, my own teacher,The Ascended Master
Kuthumi, also discussed these things:
"Those who
have come to your world and taken upon themselves the garment of flesh
to serve the Planet in Our Name, are approaching a time of crisis. These
have chosen to be present upon Terra to serve in the great harvest of
souls that now comes. To these, many instructions must be given, and
many discussions sent to them to be assimilated within their guidance
Now is the
hour when these special emissaries are to be temporarily removed from
Terra for a brief moment of time, to receive specialized training
instructions and personal directives, that they may be clothed in
preparedness for the times that are at hand! The latter portion of the
year could bring many upheavals and disturbances to the physical level
of your planet.
Planetary changes have already taken place on
inner levels within the auric field and the Astral Belt and surrounding
regions. Soon, these emanations will penetrate the physical octave and
those who dwell thereon. We have prepared the hearts and souls of
incarnate Humanity in our own manner, for the coming events. It is
imperative that our special emissaries under Hierarchal authority to
participate in planetary evacuation, now receive our attention, by
focusing our efforts toward their thorough preparation for the mission
Several million universal volunteers now walk the Earth!
They are filled with Light, complete in their dedication and
consecration to serve the Celestial Government, the Solar Hierarchy and
the Intergalactic Confederation, in the salvation of a planet. The
Highest Celestial Councils have decreed that those chosen ones shall be
personally removed from Earth, to be temporarily placed in a higher
frequency, within our domain, and there be prepared spiritually for the
mission to be completed.
The planet Earth is tottering upon a
crisis of many changes. The input of direct energies from many sources,
now whirling in clockwise fashion around the globe, has been set into
motion to offset a multitude of Inner Earth actions now racing toward
chaos on the outer crust of the sphere. Because of these inner
convulsions of energy within the orb of Terra that now press toward
their destiny upon the crust, we must immediately organize our special
training efforts for those assigned to these emergencies.
Therefore, I send forth this alert and summons to our Elect, to
be ready for a sudden removal for a brief time to be spent in the
presence of those who guard the planet. They will receive special
instruction and directives to hide within their being. Many have been
called, but few have been chosen, and to those a very special training
now awaits. It is true that much teaching and much training and
preparation has taken place before entering the Human manifestation. It
is also true that these have proven their loyalty and love to the Father
many times over.
Every chosen
disciple and initiate participating in this great rescue program must
now consciously imbibe details, directions, and specifics through the
Human consciousness. The summons may come through personal guidance,
through the word of another, through this book, or through a lecture
perhaps, but be assured your call will be given and heard. Then you must
organize the details of your lives to be ready for withdrawal from your
personal situations for a period of approximately 14 to 21 days for
purposes I have outlined.
The interim of waiting for your
summons should be a time of personal discipline, assimilating
information, and bypassing worldly activities which rob one's spiritual
strength and power. Saturate your inner being with the spiritual
vibrations that interact with your own energy field. Meditate upon the
needs of Humanity and the power of the Light of God to meet those needs.
Let this interim be a time of great expectations, of deep soul searching
and counting the cost.
You remain free to withdraw your original
commitment to this mission, under the concept of free will. Beloved sons
and daughters of the Light, the choice is still your own. You will
receive reward and gratitude for work accomplished thus far. If that
mind be in you to carry on and continue the battle against darkness
through your dedication to the Legions of Light, your blessings shall be
unlimited. You shall be highly protected and specially annointed with
gifts such as are necessary for your personal service to Mankind.
I am Kuthumi, World Teacher, and my own emanations and
vibrations surround every world volunteer at this hour. I cover you with
my Golden Cloak, and I charge your being on inner levels to hold fast to
your crown and to steadfastly remain faithful to your pledge. Realize
that a great cloud of powerful Beings surrounds you and exalts your
calling and giveth you grace equal to the task. Others who speak after
me will introduce the details of our plan. I shed forth my love and
blessing to all who have determined to serve as 'Ground Forces' in this
tremendous undertaking. My beloved brothers and sisters, initiates of
the Golden Light, not one of you shall fall; not one of you shall be
lost; not one of you will be touched by the Destroyer! None shall fail
in your choice to complete the Mission, and not one of you shall be
plucked from the Father's Hand! Beloved ones, you are the Light of the
World in its darkest hour for this cycle of time. Stand in our places.
Stand firm in
your consecration until the hour is come.
Blessings be
upon you in the Name of Our Radiant One. So be it."
As I
considered these messages, I realized that the intimacy of the silence and
its unspeakable fellowship helps us more and more to comprehend the
Master's statement, 'It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the
Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given' Only because our 'Hall of
Learning' is the inner citadel, the secret place of the Most High!
I say, go
inward, Man, in your quest of that which you cannot find in the churches
of the world. If you are blind, let not the blind lead thee. He 'made us
to have dominion over the works of His Hands, and hast put all things
under our feet.' Believe it! Hold fast to your spiritual heritage as the
begotten of God.
In the days of
Noah, eight close souls were saved because they had prepared an Ark of
safety and listened within the inner citadel to the Voice of God.
They believed
His words and followed His instructions.
insight into the new strategy of the Space Confederation came in a message
from Andromeda Rex, one who will one day become a very familiar Ambassador
of Light on television and radio, broadcasting warnings to the people. He
gathering of our Ground Commanders for these secret council meetings
will begin a new way of doing things by the Confederation. Hitherto, we
have had to be coy and careful and subdued in our activities. But now we
are prepared to be more outward in Manifestation and bolder in our
efforts to win the hearts of Mankind to our cause and purpose, which is
really their own. This is why those who are taken up to these seven
secret gatherings will be permitted to bring back with them so much
evidential material.
We will allow
our participants to be interviewed and quizzed by the curious, because
only in this way can we be heard and vindicated. This is a brave thing
we ask of all of you. We are aware of the temptations involved to vaunt
the self for such widespread attention. Yet we have chosen you well, and
we believe none shall be spoiled by any of these developments but shall
hold steady in the consecration previously made. All of you have been
thoroughly scrutinized and monitored, down to the most minute detail of
your inner being and personality traits.
This was done
before our final choices were made, to carry on and complete this
program which began over one hundred years ago.
Soon, now, with
much joy in our hearts, we will once again send back down into Earth
those whom we have, by their own election, chosen to prepare the planet
for its initiation into a new field of expression with the rest of the
Solar System. In the anointing that is to be given at the inaugural
ceremony, signs and wonders will be bestowed for convincing the world,
each receiving in accordance with the mission, whatever is needed to
complete it.
We have
designated certain areas of the ships where your cameras will operate
successfully. Your tape recorders will also operate normally with
batteries only. Primarily there will be many items of interest which can
be brought back with you as evidences. These Councils, or gatherings, as
you have begun to call them, are primarily for this purpose of sending
back to Earth the concrete evidence which Earth has so long clamored
for. You will also have photographs to return with you which will show
the views of Earth taken from our ships, taken upon our highly evolved
technical equipment - photos which cannot be denied.
All of
those who are summoned to these briefings will in some manner all be
linked together to assist each other in the overall project of
evidential presentation. Thus, there will be those from media, from
commerce, from messenger work, and from church groups. Each will be a
coordinated group, who will be made known to each other for coordinating
your efforts toward convincing unbelievers of our existence and our good
intentions. This program is designed for the purpose of convincing
Mankind, as well as the training of those who attend. Thus, with the
books that will be written and the efforts of higher echelons to protect
those books and those writers, this will be an all-out onslaught against
ignorance and bigotry as it pertains to us, our presence, and our
The ranks of the officers will be revealed, specific
missions will be assigned as this last phase of the transition period
will be underway and soon to be completed. This legion of special
volunteers will be the most active on inner levels to initiate the
preparedness for our coming into Earth's atmosphere.
Ashtar and Many others will address the groups and explain the mission
of each one present so that all can hear and know the direction that
each individual will take. This program is a crucial step in our gearing
down. All details for each personal life and its related problems or
complications will be clearly discussed and dealt with in private
council. Some of our guests will need much calming, for many will be
lifted up rather suddenly from the midst of their affairs, creating some
internal anxiety. It will be the work of all of you and us to calm such
as these.
We are naturally tremendously thrilled over this
coming fellowship, as well as our new policy and program. Our last
effort of fifty years ago and later, did not succeed as we had hoped. It
was to have culminated with our full and open appearance in your skies.
This should have occurred in the sixties had our past programs proceeded
as planned, but the hindrances and hostility of the governments of Earth
totally thwarted our original plans.
We do not desire to force
our presence upon you, and thereby feed the negative nature of those who
would oppose us. This would gain us nothing toward Interplanetary
Fellowship. We CANNOT, we WILL NOT make our appearance (in normal times)
unless it is accepted by the Military and higher branches of your
Governments. Therefore, this new policy of inner penetration into Human
hearts will hopefully achieve that necessary change in the policies of
Mankind which will build us a platform of goodwill upon which we may
make our approach to uplift your way of life.
It must be done
peacefully and lovingly, while it CAN be done in that manner. If
circumstances develop danger to the Elect and danger to the Solar System
before these negotiations are completed, then we will be forced
circumstantially to intrude ourselves into Earth's forcefield for
evacuation and intervention in the name of the Intergalactic Council
governing the Universal Peace agreement.
I am Andromeda Rex, and
I speak this message on behalf of the entire Space Confederation and the
Council of Universal Masters who serve the Divine Government."
As we
think together of a vast army of volunteers to Earth for this crucial
time, our understanding is penetrated by these words of Cosmic Being,
Lytton, which came to spiritual messenger "Lyara":
"Each of you
who is attuned to this material has a Mission of Service to Mankind.
Each of you, as Sparks of God, is a Divine and unique ray of the Father.
Cosmic family members have already achieved mastery and forms of
advancement in other dimensions, realms and/or realities and are
reawakening this dormant knowledge.
You each
agreed, in coming here, to be veiled, that you could adjust and
understand the people of this planet to better serve them. Some of you
have been here several times - very few more than that. All of you have
awakened, or will, to the realization that the home you are most clearly
attuned to is not resemblant of Earth. Planets where you have spent the
most time and call home are higher vibrating and have all-pervading
auras of Christ Love. All of you belong to the Intergalactic
At debriefing
time before embarking on this mission, you realized only to some degree
the hazards that you would experience on this planet. The most serious
was not preparing yourself to wake up, by getting involved and caught up
with Earth's activities and pleasures and forgetting your identity. Many
brothers and sisters have not yet awakened sufficiently to fulfill their
missions in the remaining time allotted. It has made for many
adjustments in plans, and many others of you will be asked to assume
greater responsibilities than originally contracted for.
We realize it
will cause some hardships and extra burdens, but by staying attuned to
your guidance, these new assignments which are being asked of you in the
Father's name can still be expressions of joy. Allow your spirits to
soar while your feet are on the ground for planetary functioning."
It is my
understanding that these veils are to be lifted at the 'gatherings'. Mary
Hardy, well known for her family's research on pyramidology, made this
interesting statement recently in an article appearing in the New
Atlantean Journal: 'When an individual is taken up into a ship, the
electromagnetic field (aura) around the body is accelerated. In this field
there is no time. An individual can learn of the future or the past. Space
craft are designed to accelerate the particles that make up the atom.
These particles can travel up to 27 times faster than the known speed of
This change of frequency is why ships become invisible. The
individual inside the ship can travel time and can look into the future or
the past. At the end of the trip these individuals are DE-accelerated, or
They are placed
in a chair or on a light-emitting table and brought back to a stable
frequency attuned to the Earth.'
Chapter 2: The
Summons to the Secret Councils
During January of 1982 I received a message from Andromeda Rex
which clearly shows the groundwork being initiated in preparation for
these meetings, stressing the need and importance of 'networking' between
the factions of Light on Earth:
"The Commands
are sending forth an extra power to those whose vibrations can handle
the higher frequencies. We will now be stepping up all of those who are
capable, to their highest capacity. The trembling of body you are
presently experiencing is an incidental aspect of this accelerated
frequency. We are all alerted and geared up for a massive sweep of power
to accentuate all Light frequencies upon the planet. A tremendous input
of Light through beam radiation is now being undertaken for purposes of
quickening the Light bodies of all who can receive it. This action tends
to be one of preparation for that which is to come later.
is also underway a great spiritual urgency toward the integration of
Light souls toward each other. We are attempting through these higher
frequencies to draw Light Workers closer together in feeling and
purpose. The networking objective is going on successfully. We are
attempting to create a conscious Network of Light Beings in embodiment,
that will be consciously entered into and consciously cooperated with
for purposes that will come later. This conscious linking of souls is
most important to our objective in preparing for mass intervention if
events warrant this action.
The Network, consciously accepted,
becomes a great force for the ongoing of our program toward the rescue
of, and assistance to, the planet. Even in New Age circles there must be
a falling away of technical differences and an emphasis upon things on
which there is agreement. Regardless of the particular slant or emphasis
of truth, there must be a conscious desire to become a link in the great
chain of ground forces rather than to stand alone. It is this conscious
desire to be a conscious operating portion of the whole, that will
create the proper atmosphere for the uplifting of frequencies I have
Therefore, let all of those who serve with us strive
toward this holy attitude of oneness with each other, that we might all
function together as one great beam of Light upon the Earth. This effort
toward united purpose is the present focus of our interaction with our
brothers and sisters of Light now in Human embodiment. In this Great
Cosmic Light, I salute you all. I am Andromeda Rex."
In times
past, in our progressive enlightenment and spiritual perception, we have
seen only a part, 'as through a glass darkly;' but now, as the
networking expands and the veils are being lifted, we 'know, even as we
are known.' The joyful quickening as one soul recognizes another, warmed
by the Christ Presence within the other –that quickening is now
manifesting even 'face to face' as well as between this and the highest
dimensions of reality.
There is an
unconscious network between us all on the inner level Universe, but
Andromeda would have us pull this reality through our Human
consciousness, having used the word eight different times to make his
point. He describes these things further: "These gatherings represent a
highly momentous occasion. There has never yet been anything like this
in the history of Mankind's sojourn upon the planet. Similar incidents
have fragmentarily taken place in isolated cases far between, in the
past and last generation, but nothing on so large a scale, so thoroughly
organized as this venture. Neither were the former results that
far-reaching, yet there has been a tremendous secret penetration in the
past forty years.
But following
these secret council meetings and the return of the Elect to their
octave, there will be an immediate saturation of all the news media and
worldwide recognition of those who have thus been honored by this
encounter. This will be one of the greatest news stories ever written.
The program will be a very detailed briefing of coming events
which will set up and coordinate our ground forces in a very specific
manner while outlining levels of authority and responsibilities. Our key
Commanders, now incarnate, will be introduced to each other and the
fellowship will be a precious experience.
marshalling of all of our forces for this undertaking which is so
important to the Hierarchal Program, has been a tremendous challenge and
one in which thousands have beautifully cooperated."
I was visiting
in Utah for a week in June. On the day of the June 21st eclipse, it was
announced to me that this book was to begin immediately. A typewriter was
borrowed and for the four remaining days there, the dictations came at a
pace of four a day.
Ashtar spoke forcefully on the day of the eclipse:
"We desire to
speak to our people. We desire to speak to the Elect of God who have
chosen and been chosen to come as volunteers from out of our midst to
walk the Earth, to endure the darkness and the challenges and the
problems, yea, the temptations; yet to stand and be ready when our call
comes to them. As Commander, it is my desire to speak to all of these
throughout this hemisphere, as messengers, as teachers, as guidance
counselors, as channels of Light and beams of the Love of God to the
We have need
now to lift you into our presence for a brief moment of time for
purposes of special training and many other matters which cannot be
handled in any other way. These gatherings shall not be simultaneous
throughout the globe, but shall take place in seven various sectors, one
at a time. We cannot dispense our forces efficiently by having all of
you at once. Therefore, we shall undertake this program in units, by
areas, as we have organized other programs in the past.
We are
attempting to streamline our program so that the time can be shortened.
We have prepared our facilities with great care and outlined our agenda
very carefully so that the utmost efficiency in all of these things may
be applied.
One of the most important elements within all of
this activity is that you would become personally acquainted with each
other in a network of sharing the knowledge of the mission of each
member. One might call you a 'Secret Army,' so to speak, for you are an
army in spiritual warfare, and in most cases, your activity will be in
secret. Nevertheless, a vast portion of the program will not be in
secret, but rather, deliberately publicized as a part of our strategy,
and details concerning that strategy have already been delivered to this
messenger to be incorporated into the text of this material.
am assured by the officers under my Command who represent the various
units and areas of this hemisphere for which I am responsible; I am
assured by these that almost all of the Earth representatives are now
ready in their awareness to be taken into our presence without undue
adjustments or misalignments or misunderstanding, and that we may now
carryon with our plans to fulfill this enormous project. I am Ashtar, of
the star ship upon which our Beloved Commander, Sananda, travels
and calls His home away from home, although of course, this great Avatar
is capable of being anywhere and everywhere simultaneously.
Within the network of our Commands and the Galactic
Confederation, we have an interlocking communications system through
which every individual craft may at any given moment receive a certain
transmission simultaneously. In many cases when one of you is in an act
of service or some victory for the Light is occurring, reports of these
are instantaneously sent throughout the hemisphere and the entire
Spiritual Hierarchy. It is impossible for you to conceive the speed with
which our communications go forth throughout the entire Universe.
I can absolutely assure you that your reception of our message
when the alert has come, will be received. We are capable of entering
the thought patterns of any individual upon the planet and implanting
there our impressions in keeping with Universal Law, clearly and
decisively. Each and everyone of you who is on Earth assignment to be a
part of this program will receive clear signals and a message that
cannot be mistaken nor misunderstood.
Whatever your past
experiences in telepathic communication have been, or your progress in
conscious awareness of these revelations, you will receive our message
loud and clear. You will be personally approached either by one of us,
or be told by one who represents us. Do not make any moves or changes or
hesitate when this is received. By the same token, do not take any
action along these lines if these or one of these is not received.
Do not be
concerned nor unduly upset if you do not participate in this first
temporary lift-up of souls who serve with us. This merely means that
your action in the plan is elsewhere, and you will be taken for your
instructions or will receive them in some other manner. Do not take any
personal affront if you are not alerted or are not a participant in this
first phase of our plan. Your time will come later, and these
instructions are not necessary for you at this time.
We are
bringing together those of high leadership status whose responsibilities
are far-reaching, and of such a nature that special instructions and
training must be given if they are to fulfill their portion of the
mission. These have long been in accord with us on inner levels and have
spent much time in coordinating necessary discussions relating to their
missions while out of body in their night visits with our councils. All
of these have sat in on our council meetings while their bodies have
Each of you
who are to be lifted up in this special gathering have all participated
in intergalactic and interplanetary council meetings and listened to
preparedness programs. This meeting, in our presence, will take place
upon a conscious level. You will retain your full consciousness at every
moment and at all times. On this visit you will take with you when you
return to Earth situations, a full recall of all that has transpired,
along with many evidences of where you have been.
Each one of
you will be able to prove your sojourn with us, for each will receive
undeniable proof to combine with the testimony of many others throughout
the globe, presenting accounts consistent with your own. You will be
given two objects - one to wear, and one to hold - that will anchor you
to that moment for the rest of this embodiment.
You will return
to your earthly situations with a quiet spiritual authority that will
never be taken from you and will never forsake you. You will be
annointed with spiritual credentials and spiritual abilities
representing your badge of initiation and mission. At first, your words
will be scoffed at and your reports will bring laughter to the
multitudes. But allover the world you will stand together, united in
your story, consistent in your report, agreeing in your details, and you
will cause them to remove the smiles from their countenances when your
credentials are activated. You are the representatives of the Highest
Celestial Government and the Highest Council of this Solar System, as
well as the Highest Tribunal of the Interplanetary Councils.
of us will reinforce each and everyone of you, and you will be convinced
of this before you leave our midst to return.
There are so many
of you presently to be lifted, trained and prepared. It is a project of
such magnitude that words can scarcely describe not only the effort thus
far invested into it over many centuries, but also, the great labor and
the millions of volunteers that make it possible.
Therefore, my
closing words to my beloved brothers and sisters of Light in this
message is a salute to you in the sign of the Solar Cross. I hold forth
my right hand of blessing upon each of you. You know who you are. You
know where you stand in your places and your inner guidance.
Unfortunately, our words and messages will confuse many, but those who
must hear will hear; and those who must see will see. To him that hath
ears to hear, let him hear; to him that hath eyes to see, let him see.
So be ready, my brethren. Be alert. Be listening, for your call shall
I am Ashtar,
one who commands millions of men in this hemisphere for our Beloved
Commander in Chief, Jesus the Christ and the World
On my return to
New Mexico, the pressure continued to mount to get into the book, even to
a grand upheaval in my personal affairs within a matter of days.
When I 'came up
for breath' from a greatly accelerated and disturbing chain of events, I
grumbled to one of my venerable Brothers,
"You guys
play kind of rough!" Ignoring my vernacular, his counter comment is
"You have
given us permission to act and to create for and with you in the events
of your life. It is correct that we do not involve ourselves in the
smaller details in the life of an Earthly volunteer, knowing full well
that they have the discernment and the ability to arrange their lives
and their affairs for the best. But it is also true that all of the
details of Earth-based Commanders' lives touch their mission, as they
touch their lives. So consider these things within the framework of
permission previously given for intervention.
You see,
Tuella, many aeons ago, you gave us that permission to direct the
circumstances of your life in that manner which would best facilitate
the mission for which you have come."
following the conclusion of the July semi-annual Conclave of the Fleets of
the southwestern sector of America, Captain Avalon reported to me,
advising that the Floridian Command Communications Center had been host
for their meeting there, as well as beneath Cook Mountain. All states and
areas of the Southwest were represented by their Officers and persons of
great responsibilities.
The subject
receiving the most attention and longest detailed discussion had to do
with lift-up and evacuation details of our section. (Attention, reader:
these quarterly conclaves take place at all sectors of the globe.) There
is to be one more large final meeting to tie all the loose ends of the
plan, but it will involve the entire higher echelon of the Commands. It
seems they were concerned to make one important distinction.
So much
material had now piled up, I was having a bit of confusion from it all
regarding the various lift-offs and phases, etc.:
"We wish to
clarify these matters. Your confusion has ensued in classifying the
briefing withdrawal as a phase of the Global Evacuation. During this
training withdrawal, there are not likely to be any global disturbances
present. These gatherings are designed as training programs for our
Earth-based Commanders. One large element of their responsibilities will
be the education of Light workers and their followers. Special Programs
for reaching and educating the masses have now ceased. Concentration is
directed toward specialized training for the changes ahead.
Please make this distinction. The very first action will be the
lifting of these ground Leaders - the Elect, who bear tremendous
responsibilities in their assignments. This is a temporary withdrawal
for a short period of time, and is not a lift-off phase of the Global
Evacuation. It is not necessarily a lift-off, since all councils will
remain in your atmosphere and locations. This withdrawal does not
constitute the 'twinkling of an eye' lift-up of Light Workers which is,
in essence, Phase I of the planetary evacuation.
Therefore, the
time sequence calls first for the Commander gatherings to take place as
a preparation for the Global Evacuation steps which will occur quickly
or later in the future. The Commander councils may involve some landings
in secluded areas."
With this
clarification of the sequence of events, a very informative body of
information from Andromeda Rex was received by spiritual messenger Lucy
Colson and submitted for this focus.
Parts of it are
scattered in various sections of the text. Andromeda states:
Gatherings will take place under the deepest secrecy imaginable. The
'Gathering of Eagles' will come first. This meeting will consist of the
advanced echelon of Commanders, a group of highly trained Beings,
skilled in planetary affairs. They will contact world governments,
groups of Light students, preparing them for an eventual lift-off while
the planet is made new. The people must be advised that this is
imminent. Those who will remain behind to pass through the fire and
water must know the reasons why they will not be lifted off. For out of
this trial will come new leaders and new hope for Humanity. They must
know that they are never really alone.
The Earthean Eagles will
bring back with them from the meeting, concrete, indisputable proof! The
Eagles are the ones who will be needed immediately in the days ahead;
and who will be beamed up last during evacuation. The Earthean Eagles
will be contacted and expected to be at their destined positions in as
little time as twelve hours from the time of the Call to Gather. The
Eagles will also remain for the regular Gathering, to be briefed with
everyone else, and will then brief the Light Commanders under them."
As I speak
with many people, I find evidence that the 'Collective Consciousness' of
the Human Race knows a purging is being initiated, with a significance
deeper than that which can be ascribed by them to conventional wisdom.
Cosmic Being
Lytton, transmitting through spiritual messenger Lyara, speaks of an early
fruition of the Divine Plan:
"Great power
and forces will be unleashed this year. Major initiations for some.
Cleansing of the bodies, veils being lifted, and survival disks being
received for those returning for Evacuation Assignments. Some brothers
and sisters will not be receiving these messages. It is not for them to
know. Their work is different than yours, and they need to remain on
their path. Accelerated energies will be intense. What a few years ago
would take years to accomplish will be completed in a day. You will
experience continual initiations .... "
During the
period when work was underway compiling this manuscript, I received an
urgent summons from Captain Avalon, of the Floridian Mountains
Communications Center for the Southwest, which is near my home. He
informed me that on the Sunday before full moon, a very crucial Council
would be in session there. He requested that I present myself at 7:00 a.m.
that Sunday morning to record the words of the major speakers.
the evening before the designated Sunday, I could not refrain from
inspecting the atmosphere surrounding the Floridas. With the predictable
certainty, there was the usual heavy dark cloud bank totally hiding the
upper portion of the mountains and spanning out all over the area. This
phenomenon invariably appears when any kind of council is going on there.
The dark mist and clouds hovered as expected, until the great Council was
Promptly at 7:00 on August 1, I had eluded my
devotions, and I called him. We had done this type of work together before
on two occasions. His response was crisp and prompt:
morning! This is Avalon, responding for my previous appointment. I will
tell you what is happening here. A great Conclave is taking place this
weekend in the Great Conference Hall of our installation beneath the
Floridian Mountains. All of the important leaders from every sector of
this Nation are here, and a few representatives of the Jupiter Command
from the other hemisphere, as well.
The purpose
of this tribunal is to coordinate all of our preparations and to
delegate specific assignments that will be delegated within the Commands
to each Sector, for completing the secret gatherings. Everyone you ever
heard of is here, as far as the Alliance goes. Ashtar will appear later
today. By the way, these Conclaves are always held at or near the full
moon period.
We feel that
it is important to include in your manuscript the text of these messages
today, so that your readers may actually hear a planning session in
which the Gatherings were discussed. You will be in session for about an
hour for the first one, and there will be three or four other sessions
today. I have just been told nothing will be happening of significance
for an hour, so I will release you until that time.
speaking, and closing the contact."
An hour
later, this striking overview began. Because many details were given to
me, I will also share them with you.
"Thank you,
Tuella. We are gathered in the Great Hall, centrally located within and
beneath our Communications Center. What an impressive crowd! As you
know, we are here to coordinate and finalize plans and specifics for the
coming Gatherings. Everyone is in his place, waiting for the Chairman to
Let me describe the scene to you. Our room is about 150
feet in diameter, round in shape and furnished like an amphitheatre or
one of your sports stadiums. The entire circling wall is filled with
comfortable seating graduated down in rows, enabling clear vision of the
rostrum. The audience chairs are upholstered in red, and the walls give
forth radiance everywhere in an overall glow, so that one cannot tell
from where it originates. The doors and other openings are not
discernible, for they blend into the wall contour, making them invisible
until opened.
We control
these mechanisms with thought, which to you would be the application of
crystalline energy: We have a domed ceiling on which beautiful artwork
is painted. To you, it would be reminiscent of the ceilings of the
Versailles Palace near Paris. However, the subject of our art- work here
embraces Universal settings and planetary motions. It is a very
beautiful room, and is reserved for only occasions of this level of
importance or tribunals of distinction. Soft music of the spheres
provides a pleasant background and everyone is watching the area where
the speakers will enter.
The center arena has the usual rostrum
in the center, surrounded by a circular table with seating for twelve.
These chairs are upholstered in a brilliant blue and beyond them are
four sets of three chairs, arranged in triangle placement, to the East,
the West, the North, and the South. These chairs are yellow.
All chairs in
the room are placed within a white circle that is part of the floor
design, which is otherwise a solid color. The white circle has a
magnetic energy emanating from it to energize the one who sits in the
chair. An electronic signal light is built within the arm of each chair
for letting the leader know a comment is desired by that participant.
The opening from the East corridor approach has been opened and
the twenty-four dignitaries have entered and taken their places.
Commander Ashtar is the Chairman, and he is addressing the audience. You
can hear him ... please record his words:"
Ashtar: "We are
deeply grateful to all of you who have laid aside your busy schedules to
answer this call to join this deliberation. We have called up a generous
cross section of the leadership from all sectors to blend your thinking
with our own on the many problems to be solved. Our Most Beloved Great
Commander, Sananda, will be joining us later in the day. The
speaker for this morning session is one of the most respected members of
our Commands, having served the Confederation in many capacities and
many examples of his great concern for the people of Earth. He stands as
their protector at this hour, and represents them in our major councils.
His words and decisions are of great importance to all of us, and I join
with you in earnest attention to his words.
I bring
forward our friend and brother ... Monka!"
Monka Addresses
the Great Council:
(Monka is
seated to the right side of Ashtar's chair. As he rises, the Hall bursts
with a standing ovation of salutations to Beloved Monka, our great
"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen of the great
Commands that circle the Earth. Our fellowship together at this full
moon period has a touch of sadness to it, when we consider the purpose
for our meeting. None of us can look upon the events in store for planet
Earth without that twinge of regret within our being that it might have
been different had Man responded to the Great Light that was given.
Nevertheless, we do rejoice together for the many who have made
it, and who will carry on the program of the Kingdom of God on Earth
when the Earth is made ready.
I am bringing you this morning, a
portion of our findings as we have monitored the Earth population in its
ascension toward spiritual unfoldment. There are at least forty million
souls now embodied who are our own representatives, or followers of
those representatives, who follow our directives and give attention to
our words. This group will form the nucleus of the first two phases of
evacuation. Within that nucleus, of course, are the Special Volunteers
whose missions are detailed in the records for your Sectors.
have gathered here for the purpose of reconciling all of our efforts
toward the unveiling and the training of the Earth leaders, and to bring
all of our separate plans in harmony with the whole. I am aware that all
of you have labored long, and in the presence of great opposition, to
fulfill your scheduling for this event. It is clear that all councils
will not occur at one given moment, but within each Sector it is hoped
that all candidates will participate at one time. We have now agreed
that there will be seven Worldwide Sectors or divisions by area, in
which these gatherings will take place.
In our meetings that
follow, these seven Sector Commanders will share with you their detailed
plans and will receive your comments and counter suggestions concerning
them. We ask of you only that in your attention upon these seven
leaders, you will take back with you into your varied areas of
responsibilities, the vibration of concern and urgency that you feel in
our midst today.
These Gatherings are the apex of the wedge in
the salvation of a planet. These Elect ones will be our hands and feet
and our voices for the time that remains between now and the coming
removal of the Lighted Ones from the planet. We have attempted to
discern the times in Earth calculations of time, when events will bring
on these contingencies. However, it is impossible at this moment to give
you or anyone else any distinct date or time reference. The date of each
individual council will be determined here today, but the span of time
before the first evacuation cannot be determined. Therefore, we must
maintain and continue in our total readiness at all times, for the call
may reach us at any moment.
Our friends of the Jupiter Command
are keeping us posted within seconds of Earth time, on every smallest
detail of events before they happen! They are doing an excellent work in
monitoring the Secret Government councils of the world nations. They not
only register all of the proposed plans, but evaluate each Leader within
his emotional and rational being to determine his probable response to
any given set of circumstances.
So far, they
have been one-hundred percent correct in this type of analysis, making
it an indispensable source of reference for the entire program. It
allows us to be just a little ahead of Mankind in their own access to
reports of world events.
Therefore, I share with you the
excitement of this moment in getting 'on with it,' so to speak, and
bringing all of our preparations and plans into focus and action. As
spokesman for the Saturnian Council of this Solar System, I welcome you
to these policy decisions and will be enjoying meeting with as many of
you as possible at this Conclave.
My gratitude
is extended to our gracious hosts, Commander Anton, of Cook Mountain;
and Captain Avalon, of this great communications center; and to our
Chairman, Commander Ashtar. Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you."
(Avalon once
again: "Thank you, Tuella. Following Monka' s sweep of applause, a lesser
speaker is directing the participants to the smaller meeting locations .We
will return at 10:00 to check on events at that time. Avalon closing the
At 10:00, Avalon reported that there had been a scurry
of activity as assignments for different committee meetings were given.
There was a lounging break for fellowship and refreshments which, he
assured me, did not include coffee and doughnuts! This was to be the last
session until we returned at 2:00 that afternoon, when Beloved
Jesus-Sananda would be speaking.
Korton Speaks at the Great Council
A Commander from the Veldor
Sector introduced Korton, and he gave this message:
respected and honorable Lords and Ladies of many worlds, many galaxies
and faraway places, it is my privilege to be with you and to bring you
some thoughts of our group concerning the purposes for which we have
During these summer months on Earth, we have all been
very active organizing ourselves for these coming special Gatherings.
Our work will soon be concluded and these seven Councils with our Earth
Leaders can begin. Our many preparations have taken much time, and
details have been going on at a feverish pace.
Basically, the
communication devices we have proposed are to be fairly identical in all
seven divisions. They need not be the same in appearance, but in
function they must be the same. As the needs were presented to each
group quite some time ago, it has been ingenious the diversity of
designs that have been brought forth, yet all do indeed coordinate with
all others in the functions performed and the vital needs fulfilled.
There will be an identifying crystal of certain color for each, which
immediately indicates the group to which that person is assigned, as
well as the Sector Commander.
This central
stone will also be the crystal that is in attunement with the body
vibrations of the one who wears it and who is in direct contact with his
Commander craft. The device will also have a factor incorporated into
its design which will serve as a levitating or a traveling device for
any emergency, as well as another built-in deposit of crystalline energy
functioning as the means of producing invisibility as needed in times of
danger. Of all the equipment with which we will arm our Earthean Eagles,
the greatest will be the unveiling of their memories and the revelation
of their identities and missions to the planet Earth.
We are
also greatly pleased to at last be able to bring about a complete
network of acquainting them all with one another so that they may know
as we are known and can meet face to face with their co-workers in this
plan. There will be a great love between them as they labor together and
help one another.
All of us who make up the Commands patrolling
the Earth have longed to see this unity and coordinating action take
place on physical levels. These great Gatherings will bring this to pass
and Heaven and Earth will enjoy a unity of purpose unknown for millions
of cycles. In daring to let our Representatives be exposed to the Earth
world, we have taken great care in planning how this would be done. By
stationing those who are a part of our Mission within the ranks of world
media, we will be able to do this in a simultaneous break of the news
releases, that will eliminate all opposition, and will at least give us
an honest reporting of events.
A few large
interests will withhold the story, but will later get on the bandwagon
as so many consistently begin to come forth. The lives of our
Representatives will be intensely protected while their testimony is
being given and carrying on. Other Representatives everywhere will join
in their defense. It is this daring exposure of those who serve with us
that will turn the hearts of the multitudes to consider the words of
these few. Total recall will be permitted in their ranks and all will
return with a fully operating spiritual opening of their abilities to
handle every spiritual need which confronts them.
All will
become spokesmen for the Commands and teachers of truth. At best, their
testimony will be brief, lasting only until the evacuations begin, but
vital in their intensity and impact.
This is the program, Ladies
and Gentlemen, with which the world will be turned. This is also the
method with which evacuation will be carried on from the Earth level.
All of these self-sacrificing Leaders will remain until the last moment
for directing others, teaching others, and assisting in the creation of
an atmosphere free of fear around those clusters of Humanity preparing
for their rescue. It is this Special Legion who will be answering
questions, teaching the people, and preparing their hearts for that
which is to come. Without them, our mission could not proceed in its
purpose, for the aura of fear and hostility toward us still prevails on
a general scale.
We will be working closely together in our
committee meetings to coordinate these many details and prepare
ourselves for action as soon as possible. There is not a moment of Earth
time to be wasted in this preparation. The sound of war comes ever
closer, and the planet within prepares its response! We must make haste
in our final proposals and go forth from this Great Conclave with all
final decisions agreed upon. We must have unity in our midst and the
willingness to surrender our desired suggestions for the benefit of the
whole and completion of our work here.
Again, I thank you for
this opportunity to speak with all of you and to be a part of this great
council for so important a mission.
Thank you, my
brothers and sisters, on whom the Light of our Radiant One ever shines!
I thank you."
As requested, I
returned to the typewriter a little before 2:00 p.m., and was then given
the privilege of hearing the Great Beloved Commander in Chief,
Jesus the Christ, and recording His message for this volume.
Beloved Jesus-Sananda
addresses The Great Council
loyal and devoted Lords and Ladies of this and many great galaxies, you
have given me a very pleasant chore this afternoon, in speaking and
meeting with all of our dedicated Leaders and Directors of our great
Intergalactic program for Peace. I am the honored one in beholding your
beautiful countenances and responding to the love that flows through
each one of your beings and outward toward me.
I have come to
join with all of you in this final preparation for that great event
which we have planned together for so long. It is a great moment for my
own heart, as it is for yours. We have not only labored in the planning
for the event, we have likewise labored in the effort to prevent its
necessity. Now we must secure our decisions and go forward with our
In the beginning of our active programming we will have
the assistance of the entire Angel Kingdom, under the supervision of
Michael and His Legions. EI Morya will exercise his administration of
the Blue Flame of protection and build a wall of Blue Fire around each
chela who is destined to be taken into your midst and to be returned
again for the final stages of their service to Humanity. Each one, I am
assured, will be surrounded in the circle of Blue Flame from the first
divine ray of manifestation, and Michael's Angels will be bodyguards to
them all. All of this attention, plus your own beams upon them directly
from your craft, should well protect them and their mission from all
harm and interference.
We have brought all of you together in
this conference for a feeling of encouragement as well as for practical
reasons. Let us join in Love to one another as we realize that the long
battle soon will end, that our efforts for the planet Earth shall soon
see fruition and the joyful reunion of all of us with our brothers and
sisters in service there.
We have great things and great
surprises in store for them, and words cannot describe the joy with
which we anticipate this great reunion. We must realize and understand
that both the leadership meetings and the evacuation stages may be a
great shock to some of them. Their Human reactions may be unprepared for
these events. It is for this reason that a book is now being prepared
through the coordinated efforts of Kuthumi and the Ashtar Command, in
which most of these details wi11 be revealed to all the souls of Light.
I have
requested that this very Conclave be included in its contents. We have
had to proceed with great caution in revealing our strategy and plans
for this new touch with Mankind. We have had to consider his binding
theological prejudices, his apathy, his indifference, his general
close-mindedness in most of these things, but most of all, his outright
hostility to those whom the Father has sent to reason with him. Because
of this militancy, our progress for the World Plan has been delayed for
twenty-five years.
Many have
wearied that it would ever come to pass, not only of your group, but our
Earth contactees as well.
We are trusting that the witness of
these Special Leaders and their campaign outlining the Divine Program of
rescue by those whom the Father will send to them, will in that dark
hour of Earth's evacuation, proceed with a minimum of interference from
I send a special dispensation of annointing for this task
upon all of these whom you will take into your midst. They shall carry
within their inner being great power and perseverance in this ongoing
battle for the minds of men. They shall not be left unequipped without
the proper spiritual weapons with which to carry forward this encounter.
All shall be filled with spiritual power and annointed to meet every
need from the overflow of their inward blessings.
They will have
constant attunement with those of you who guard them and guide their
ministries. The mystical objects you have prepared for them represent a
great contribution for their behalf, and this will secure for them all
of the remaining protection that is necessary. When the days of
evacuation are upon us, these will be the ones to whom you will turn for
the help that is needed upon Terra. Those few moments of feverish action
will bring about the gathering of the wheat into my barn for the Eternal
I convey to you, Ladies and Gentlemen, the total
gratitude of the Celestial Government of this Solar System for your long
participation in the Divine Plan for planet Earth. Yours is the supreme
example of that kind of life that has been held out to Mankind through
many aeons of time. As you fellowship with them, they will see and
absorb the Love that abounds within you and will be drawn to your
governing philosophies of freedom and respect for the Divine image
within all of the Father's creation. My blessings radiate to each one of
you and overshadow you with the emanations of my own Light as you have
so beautifully earned the 'well done' of Our Father.
Friends of
the highest purity and worthiness, I thank you."
Thus spoke Our
Lord Jesus, or, as He is known to them, Beloved Great Commander
Sananda - the Radiant One - to all of these great Ones in
attendance at this vital Tribunal.
Chapter 3:
The Hosts of Heaven Sponsor a Feast of New Experiences!
Undoubtedly most of you, just
as I, have wondered about many of the 'onboard' details of these
Raymond Fowler tells us,
"From the
experience I have had on space ships, I can tell you briefly that their
crews utilize the higher cosmic frequencies to run their power plants
and generate the forcefield which they put about them in a 360 degree
sphere in which they can hover or travel at fantastic speeds in any
direction in all types of atmospheres. Also, there is an energy field
within the ships. These ships can lower their frequencies or accelerate
them, according to the direction they wish to go to fulfill their
Ashtar has
plainly said,
"You will be
hosted by us, fed, and housed comfortably in a great mother ship."
On another
occasion, Andromeda Rex answered my question about the cuisine:
"It will be
as nearly normal to your accustomed foods as we can arrange it. It will
include some drinks and foods that are new to you, but we are attempting
a cuisine that will be favorable to all, with personal choices where
needed. You will find the food very pleasing." Earlier, Captain Avalon
had surprised me with his comment: "You will be impressed with our
culinary skills."
To get into
more important matters, the remainder of the beautiful message from
Andromeda Rex, through messenger Lucy Colson, given
especially for this book, continues:
“At the
Gathering, there will be a welcoming reception, with the mingling of
Beings from all worlds. A truly exciting time, for we introduce the
Eartheans to their Galaxy and Universe! The first time in thousands of
years that Earth has participated on the scale which she will now. We
are grateful that at long last she comes back into the fold.
The purpose
of the Gathering will be fully explained at that time, with a full
discussion of the potential crisis to the planet and its inhabitants;
the decisions reached by the Planetary Hierarchy; and the role that you
Earth Beings will now play in restoring life to the planet. Assignments
of Commanders will be made, and then each Commander will meet with the
group under him/her to firm up decisions and make plans.
you Earthly Light Commanders will have a closer and even a bodily
contact with us over the next few years, or whenever evacuation must be
executed (it is absolutely dependent upon Mankind's free will), at this
very moment we are preparing for each one of you a pendant. This is no
ordinary pendant, but one similar to those worn in Atlantis by those
working in the strong electromagnetic fields around the crystals. In the
center of the pendant is a small body crystal which we are attuning to
the vibrational frequencies of each Commander. Preparation of the
crystals is going on at a feverish pace aboard the host Command ship.
As each person is welcomed aboard, he or she will have a pendant
slipped around the neck, never to be removed again in bodily form. Upon
the body's death, should that happen, the pendant will immediately
dissolve. The body crystal attuned to each one's vibrational pattern
will help each to tolerate changes in frequencies on the Earth plane as
well as when aboard the Command ships. Ships, yes. Each will receive a
special assignment and report to that specific Mother Ship involved with
a particular area of Command. We need use of caution here, that not all
be revealed at this stage.
Communication will also be greatly
enhanced through mental telepathy, as by wearing the body crystal, one's
vibrations will be stepped up and a more synchronous match can be
established between the realms. A matter of vibration is all that
defines dimensions. We cannot give anymore information at this time
without divulging classified information to the public. Not everyone who
will read your forthcoming book, Tuella, will be of the Light.
Therefore, we are not permitted to go any further, just as you will not
be permitted to give out time, dates and what-not.
To reiterate.
First, there will be the Gathering of the Eagles. This Gathering will
consist of many of the Lord's Hosts, two or more contingencies from a
far galaxy who will arrive in the Earth's atmosphere in time for their
participation. Expertly trained for planetary evacuation in time of dire
need, these brave Souls of Light have volunteered to assist us as we now
reach the crisis point in Earth's destination.
After the meeting
and blending of those who come from the Planet Earth itself, a triune
Council will be formed - The Ascended Master/Angelic Realm, the
Universal, and the Earth - all blended together as one with one common
bond, the survival of Man, that he may evolve into MAN. HuMan (Heavenly,
Universal, Man).
After that Conclave, then the real Gathering of
the Light Commanders takes place. After that event, the real work
commences as all Heaven and Light upon the Earth strive to bring the
planet Earth into its proper alignment with the Christ potential.
I thank you.
I am Andromeda Rex."
As we
present the messages coming to several others within this revelation on
the various topics covered, it is hoped that the children of Light will
realize this is not something coming to just one source, but that the same
trend of information is coming to us now through many different space
channels, like the rush of a mighty river. I have spoken with too many to
quote all of them here, but as I present the same questions for reasons of
confirmation, the answers all correlate in a remarkable way.
the announcement to begin the book in Utah, and the nature of the earlier
dictations, while there I joined with messenger Eve Carney to undertake
some in-depth research on the subject. This was several weeks before
Andromeda's discourse with Lucy was received, and included in our research
was my first inkling of the color-coded concept in the evacuation.
We learned that
different colored ships will pick up individuals with the different
colored auras, or energy fields. Blue-coded ships will pick up blue aura
persons, etc. For example, one ship is responsible for lifting all medical
personnel, volunteers, with the ship corresponding to the nature of the
classification of the workers. For example, a yellow ship under the
auspices of the ray of wisdom and knowledge will pick up educators,
writers and intelligence persona; pink ships will pick up persons whose
calling is to love emanations and mother vibrations and the young
children, for whom there has been total preparation on board.
The purpose for
giving the crystal in color matching the designated ships is to enable
that ship to maintain contact with those it has had on board for briefing
Almost a year before, I had been informed that at the
Commander briefings we would return with "something to wear and something
to carry." In researching that statement, we learned the things persons
will bring back with them had different colored stones. Some had
necklaces; some, brooches; rings; but all set with crystal stones; even
something to wear in their hair, just as long as these crystals were upon
their form.
Apparently the
craft would use these devices to zero in on them, as energy devices.
Concerning 'something to carry,' Eve saw some persons given a
'little box comparable In size to the little cereal boxes' which contained
what appeared to her to be little scrolls. Some of the key personnel are
given these. Some are even given handkerchiefs that are monogrammed in the
corner with the scroll. What they are given was evidently determined by
the particular Mother Ship that housed them for the council.
Eve said,
"The people
will be categorized, so to speak, and leaders in each category will be
chosen, and they are the ones who will be given these small gold
parchment scrolls which are contained in the small boxes."
A few weeks
following, when I was privileged to report the addresses given at the
final planning Council for the Gatherings, and I heard Korton alluding to
the "diversity of designs" of these devices that had been submitted from
the several sectors, yet "coordinate with all others in functions
performed," I understood why there has been some discrepancy in
description of these devices from various sources.
If a spiritual
messenger is from one Sector, they may see the design that one will use,
while a messenger from another Sector may see an object different in
Korton did also
confirm that,
"there will
be an identifying crystal of certain color for each which immediately
indicates the group to which that person is assigned, as well as the
Sector Commander. "
All are agreed
on this fact of this body crystal and its function.
We also tuned
in to some very interesting information regarding the missions of a few
very elderly women, who have donated their lifetime simply toward building
up the Light within them. These will be picked up for the Gatherings and
be given the handkerchiefs within the different groups, which are
monogrammed in the corner accordingly.
The special
assignment of these elderly ladies has been just to stay alive (some are
in nursing establishments and will only be taken out of body so as not to
be missed) and hold the Light and prayer for the volunteers of their
specific group. Thus each group will have its Leader, its Love person, its
teacher, writer, reporter, healers, scientists, and so forth.
These elderly
channels of Light will wear their handkerchiefs to be visible to the
people of their group on the spacecraft. They will be given so much energy
that wherever the others of her group are, in their night sleep they will
be able to 'plug into' this Love Person for their energy needs.
This will be
their sole contribution to their overall program.
At one time
in the past, I had asked Ashtar to discuss the Human forcefield, and he
magnetics of the Human aura are a forcefield. The heart is the central
atom around which neutrons, cells and electrons gravitate. Blood goes
out from the heart, makes its circle and returns again, enabling the
physical form to give off energy in framework as force. Force continues
in an ovoid shape which you call the auric field, but it is more than
that. This force represents a magnetism to other magnetic force of like
frequency. So like attracts like, it is said.
Now, when the
field is of high frequency, color disappears into white Light. When the
Human orbit or magnetic field is white Light, we then say that one has
transmuted the physical form of density to a Lightbody. This Light body
or forcefield is that which makes contact and exposure to our magnetic
field possible. You would suffer no discomfort in our presence.
forcefield of Light pulls and is pulled ever higher. Your constant
exposure to our frequencies greatly infuses your, own with higher
While preparing this text, he said that, "while
within our great Mother Ship of my own Command fleet and hosted by our
staff, you will be subjected to many different kinds of experiences
designed to correlate your physical with your spiritual attainment. The
physical form will take on great beauty and an essence of Light will
radiate to those with eyes to see. The entire being will become changed
into that which you once were, yet when you return those who know you
not will simply continue to see that outward appearance.
spiritually aware persons will see the difference in the eyes, the
magnetism and the glow of the person, and the radiance of the
I asked if this
change would take place within all who attended?
"Yes, but
with some who have not started this process at all, the workings will
only have begun, so the immediate change will not be so noticeable as
with those in whom the process began some time ago. Those who are just
beginning will sense youthful energy so that they feel exhilarated; with
others, it will be completed. Minds also will be quickened by the Rays
in which you will sit, and the emotional body will be brought under
total control and instructions and directives given.
of action and appearance accompanies the presence of the Light body.
Generally speaking, those who know not your inner qualities will see
your appearance the same, yet there will be that different quality about
you somehow. They will say you're 'looking good,' and that sort of
thing. But to those spiritually aware of your Light, you will appear
much younger, youthful of energy and movement. The presence of Light
itself within the physical form tends to rejuvenate and reactivate all
the cells of the body; thus, no illness can enter this teeming life
action, and the energy that enters find no impediments to its flow.
the change into the Light Body brings these outward changes as a result
of the inner workings of the Light. It is a natural as well as
scientific action, actually. In the completion of this action one has
desire for a lesser quantity of food and tends toward drinking of more
I wondered how the transposition to the Light Body
would affect concentration, telepathy and clairvoyance? Andromeda Rex
was answering questions at this time: "This will differ with some
according to their needs and to their mission. All do not need all of
these abilities; however, most do. Where necessary. some will have a
full opening of the chakras take place, under our surveillance while you
are with us.
This action
can be speeded up as long as you are under careful examination. It would
be harmful to some in the present to open them so suddenly. Others will
be quickened in the area of their need, for that which they are
commissioned to accomplish.
But all will
have telepathic abilities induced, for this is most necessary that you
be able to communicate with one another efficiently and with us at all
problem that needed clarification in my own thinking was the concept of
compressed time. In the research with Eve Carney, we learned much about
the difference in time in the different dimensions. Once beyond the
atmosphere of the Earth, there is no 'time' as we understand it. Weeks
there can be as moments here, depending on the longitude and latitude of
area from which departure is made.
For these secret Gatherings,
some will be merely taken out of body, and seem to be away only a
'twinkling of an eye,' when the time gone will be almost unnoticeable, and
only be absent three to five minutes. Different ones will be gone
different periods of time. Some will be taken in the physical form and
will actually be physically absent for two to three weeks Earth time. It
seems that a day of Earth time can be as two weeks with them. While some
will indeed be absent up to nearly 21 days, others will only be away three
to four days.
Eve explained:
"They are
saying 'twinkling of an eye,' and I'm feeling three to five minutes. A
husband could walk outside to pull a few weeds and come back in and his
wife will have been gone for two to three weeks, and to him, she may
have seemed to have gone elsewhere in the home for three to five minutes
or so. Some of those who go will be away much longer than others. The
highest ranking Leaders of the project will be gone longer than the
others, much longer."
These answers
greatly assisted in reconciling some of the seemingly inconsistent details
that had been received. Nevertheless, many really stupid questions chased
one another through my inquisitive mind.
For example,
many Humans prefer to sleep in the nude, and if they are taken off into
other worlds at that time, what are they wearing? (I said they were
stupid!) One afternoon when Kuthumi was on the 'Cosmic Telephone', I asked
him (he tolerates me quite well).
He offered
these details:
spiritual essence of one who sleeps is automatically woven a covering by
those who serve as Escorts, for one never travels or journeys into other
worlds alone! By thought, Escorts create a garment of white to be worn
at all times out of body wherever one goes. There are times when the
occasion calls for a greater finery, and it is provided - including your
Many months
previous to this particular research, I had been told that the
participants of these Secret Councils would be permitted to bring cameras
and tape recorders for purposes of returning with more exclusive evidence.
I had problems trying to understand how a person out of body could carry
with him camera and recording supplies as instructed, and return with them
as well.
Dear Kuthumi
obliged again:
interesting question! The items that will be brought back are to be
dematerialized and then materialized again in your dimension when that
one awakens. This is an easy thing for us (!) and our brothers. As for
the things to have been taken, the same process would be reversed, but
the participant would be in an etheric body."
Many years ago
at my home deep in the woods of southern Pennsylvania, my two daughters
and I had been in a meditative moment together, when three Space Brothers
appeared in the front yard.
They preferred
to remain outside when invited in, because of their height and my normal
sized doors and ceilings. We were asked if we would enjoy visiting their
ship, and we responded with a joyous affirmative. The appointment was made
for the following evening at 8:00, and we were instructed to relax in a
reclining position on the floor for meditation and an escort would come
for us. We thanked our visitors and rushed outside. My daughters were able
to see the ship up above, for they both have the gift of psychic sight .
The following evening we relaxed as instructed, and set out upon
our three separate meditation experiences. I left my body and rested my
hands upon the forearms of my two escorts, and experienced the tremendous
motion as we ascended at incredible speed upward to the waiting ship. I
was immediately standing in the great Map and Control room looking at
Athena, with tears streaming down my face. She also wept, and we embraced.
Athena (a lady
Commander) began showing me the various maps. I sensed that one daughter
had gone down a long corridor, though I hadn't seen her, but knew she was
elsewhere on the ship. We did walk by a great glass wall through which I
could see my other daughter reclining on a medical examination type table,
and someone with her. This was the extent of my recall - very very brief
and fragmentary.
In just a few minutes - not more than fifteen -
all three of us were 'back' to this consciousness and we began comparing
our recalls. The one daughter had been down a long corridor which was
lined with garment lockers. She had opened one, and they were filled with
golden jumpsuits. She pulled one out, and it had her name embossed on it
across the left chest area.
She was
grounded in shock, and put it back.
She also had seen her sister
on a medical table. The other daughter recalled only that she was "getting
some kind of a treatment." She knew it was good, and the attendant was her
Spiritual Lady Doctor, a member of her guidance group. That was all that
any of us could recall. At least the invitation had been kept, and we were
satisfied enough with the excursion.
Nine years later, when the
research into this compressed time concept was unfolding at Utah this
summer, I pounced in excitedly with my question: "Well, then, would you
please tell me how long my daughters and I were really on that Mother Ship
during our fifteen minutes of meditation"? The answer came fast and
startling: Eight hours!” Some explanation was forthcoming.
First of all,
we were being acclimatized, acclimated on inner levels for future on-board
experiences. We had been permitted just enough fragments of recall to be
consistent with each other's accounts and memories of having seen each
other in instances that were correct. Further, the 'treatment' being
administered to the daughter on the medical table was a process
administered for the opening of a chakra. I had only been able to recall
being in the Control Room looking at maps with Athena.
Actually I had
been shown the large scanning screens with flashes of scenes from lesser
ships over other countries and seas. I had observed the groups in the
mountains and their works. It had been a bit like a general briefing on
I asked, and was informed, that no implants had
been placed in any of us. It was further explained, interestingly enough,
that implants are never used by the extraterrestrials who serve the Light
except within those who are not of our evolution.
For those on
special service direct from the ships, not born of Earth woman, but
materialized on Earth as special envoys on special missions, out of
necessity, do have implants within them for purposes of survival in our
atmosphere and close contact with their Command. But the Legions of Light
never place implants within Humanity without their knowledge or consent,
for this would violate Universal Law.
Kuthumi explained:
"The dark
souls often become wired during their vulnerable periods because of
wrong living - for example, while intoxicated or on drugs. This means
they are totally out of control of their vehicles and mind, and have
become, unknowingly, practically Human robots. Children of the Light
cannot be placed in this situation because they have placed their will
in Higher Hands for safekeeping, by placing God's will first in all the
details of their lives."
The other
daughter, who had seen the golden jumpsuit uniform bearing her name, was
being activated at that time, we were told. They had stimulated her
psychic centers. We were told that my daughters have since then been upon
the ships frequently. One of them had been with them once for a very long
time while her body slept.
I was told that
my own excursions while out of body have mainly involved participation
within the mountain-base installations. I have recounted this entire
incident specifically that those who read this account will realize that
when you return to wakefulness or from meditation, with some small
fragment of recall of a ship's surroundings or an Extraterrestrial's
conversation, or some other Heavenly scene, it is highly likely that you
have actually not only been there, but have been there for an extended
period of time.
That which we do not or are not permitted to
recall is nevertheless, programmed into our inner being to be triggered at
a later date when needed. Total recall will flash its intrusion into your
Human consciousness when events warrant this action.
To conclude
our thoughts on compressed time, I quote another portion of the message
received by Lucy Colson from Andromeda Rex for inclusion in this text:
"Depending on
the openings into your dimension at the time of your Gathering, you will
either be beamed aboard physically, or it will of necessity be an
out-of-body experience. In either event, time can be compressed for
those who must not leave their areas for more than one night in the
physical body, so what would normally be a two-week meeting would be an
eight-hour expanse of Earth time for that person. Each will return
consciously aware of their orders and all aspects of the meetings."
Andromeda Rex
"To return to
the above statement about the openings into the Third Dimension, with
all of the acute electromagnetic activity from the planetary events in
your heavens, dimensional warping is taking place. Certain doors which
are normally open-paths between realms are closing temporarily during
certain planetary configurations - most important to note is the
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions. When Mars is heavily aspected, we also find
the narrowing of the dimensional passageways. This is not a reference to
the Ley Lines, but a passageway between them."
This new
concept of dimensional warping certainly gears the mind toward further
investigation, but I did not have the time at this writing to pursue the
interesting discourse concerning further 'on-board' matters was passed
along by Captain Avalon, of the Floridian Mountains Communication Center,
during one of our relaxed conversations:
"The trees on
our ship (imagine ... trees!) are artificially cared for, but they are
real trees. We also have many grassed areas. The walkways are bordered
by grassed areas. You will have a small apartment with a built-in bed
about 4 feet wide with storage compartments around it. There is a small
shower and sink and facilities.
In the
remaining space there are two chairs for lounging, and a small table,
screens and speakers for communication and entertainment. There are a
few shelves and a mirror. The bed is a medium-firm texture with a thin
coverlet. The floor covering is sanitary, feels and looks like cloth,
but it isn't.
We have
indirect lighting with intensifying switches for the degree of
brightness as desired. You will be called softly at awakening time or
from daytime rest periods, which are incorporated into the schedule as
well as social relaxation periods. You may bring your toilet articles
and care for yourself just as you would at home."
More than a
year ago Athena had confided that on her Mother Ship there was a small
living area with my name on the door! I had mostly rejected the
information at the time, being unable to compute it into my understanding
of the moment. But since these new things have come along, I pulled her
statement forth from my memory bank for reconsideration. In fact, I have
dared to toy with the idea of "why not just leave my possessions in the
drawers, etc., since I'll be back at the end of the Evacuation!"
What a home-away-from-home! Rather, perhaps the reverse is true.
Captain Avalon interrupted my mental meandering to confirm: "These are the
same quarters you will be taken to in the later evacuation action."
In true womanlike reaction, I was also curious about what to wear,
what to include in the little suitcase. I was told that the atmosphere on
board would be near a comfortable 65° to 70°F, and that there would be no
Suits and light
jackets would be apropos.
"You may
dress in your typical casual wear, planning perhaps for one formal
attire for dinner. You will all receive a robe-type garment to be worn
for certain occasions. You will have social periods, and rest periods.
The days will be programmed similar to any of your Earth conventions,
with scheduled times for the various activities.
You are
encouraged to include your tape recorder and notebook and pen and your
camera. All of these will be permitted at different times, though not
all of the time. The weekends will include banquets which will surprise
you. Our culinary skills are quite good!”
remained only one further matter concerning life on board their craft on
which I sought information. I asked if there would be medical treatments
or physical examinations given while on board.
Andromeda Rex
was in contact at the time:
"Yes. All who
enter must undergo a physical examination to determine the exact status
of the physical form. This will be for the purpose of personal
adjustment when entering into the cubicle in which the Light Body is
rejuvenated. Just as many of your own medical profession would require
an examination before diagnosis and procedures. Any medical treatment
that is necessary will be immediately disposed of by our electronic
equipment and technology.
Then we will
proceed to the body change into Light Force. None will return with less
than a perfect body. It is ordained as one of the necessities of Service
of this nature. There will be built-in energy responses which will
guarantee energy drive at all times, with alertness and above-average
abilities in quick mental response and telepathic qualities. Vision will
be strengthened and made keen beyond the usual nature of Human vision.
This is a most-needed tool.
We intend to
equip our Representatives with all of the best in every way possible. We
also intend to flow to all of you all that is needed in the way of
capital for carrying out what must be done. None shall know want or
deprivation, but all shall live in what is termed a comfortable manner
according to their choice. As they desire, they shall have, in keeping
with a dedicated motivation for service."
Without my
having asked, the following details were volunteered:
followers of our Light will be allowed many question and answer periods,
and many so-called 'rap-sessions' will be part of the program. Many who
come will have earned the right to be with us by virtue of commitment
and having passed the qualifying tests, yet they may not be completely
learned in the program and purpose of the Confederation. ALL must be
thoroughly grounded in this before departure."
I was prompted
to ask, "Will we know the identity and whereabouts of only those in our
own Council, or perhaps, the entire Command Ground Force?"
"Certain of you will have access to the knowledge of the entire Ground
Force of this new offensive (not those of former ones) while others will
be made aware of the full information pertaining to those with whom they
will be associated because of the nature of their mission. The amount of
information to be retained will be dispensed on a 'need to know' basis.
Higher ranking individuals will have access to more detailed information
than others."
I was further advised that certain participants
especially well documented as extrovert in manner and social exchange,
would be called upon to serve as co-hosts in producing a relaxed
atmosphere for all of these strangers to get to know one another. Some of
these chosen co-hosts may be lifted a day or two in advance of the others,
to assist the Brothers in greeting the guests.
These would be
toured through quarters and areas for familiarizing them with the
facilities. This simple aforehand maneuver will greatly assist the
Brothers in settling the great number of guests. It will, it is said,
greatly cushion the expectancy of some, to be met by an Earth person along
with the Brothers, and contribute to ease of mind.
They have said:
"We must be
very certain that those we have gathered together are equal in thought,
word and deed and of one mind. Therefore, we will require a certain
period of orientation at the beginning which is designed to expose all
of you to one another and which will break down any rigidness or
standoffishness within our gatherings. We must have openness and free
interchange of personal feelings and adaptation. Even though certain
souls are exceedingly enthusiastic for our cause, and beautifully
dedicated to it, they may not necessarily be without personality flaws
and social awkwardness. Our co-hosts will be of great assistance to us
in opening these withdrawn types of participants.
After this
initial visit, which, as you know, is primarily for evidential purposes,
you will have many other visits with us, but none will be so important
as this one."
Concerning the
personnel of these Gatherings, they had this to say:
"There will
be legal counselors, medical personnel, technical scientists, public
relations persons, persons in the media, persons of great religious
convictions, experienced educational majors, political scientists, and
law enforcement persons. The arts will be greatly represented and the
creative media as well.
There will be
those who excel in the theatrical fields and entertainment world also,
who will win many by their story. There will be represented every kind
of ability and leadership, along with a spiritual willingness to
cooperate and work as a team toward one goal. This will be stressed
greatly, as it is most necessary.
Any who attempt to use these
contacts for personal gain or selfish purposes will immediately be
dropped from the Forces. There will be other writers and two other
publishers also active in the program."
Kuthumi has
"The bringing
in of these Earth volunteers to a state of fellowship under these
extraordinary circumstances will vitalize all of you to such an intense
state of energy and enthusiasm that you will never forget it, never get
over it, never lose the vision for it until all things are come to pass!
This will be the firing of your personal momentum in a most spectacular
way and will bring into all of you, the inner level awakening you need.
No one will
leave these briefings without all chakras attended to, all physical
problems removed, and all obstacles removed from the pathway of your
mission. You will be equipped with every kind of gadgetry assistance, as
well as spiritual weapons for all challenges to your ministry.”
Chapter 4:
Returning to the Battle
"This is
Ashtar. I come as an emissary of our Beloved and Radiant One. I am a
Light Being who speaks to you in His Name, and I represent the Commands
of this hemisphere." With all of this preliminary protocol dispensed
with, Ashtar continued:
"We are in intense preparations for
these Councils. Our desire is to meet with all of you personally on a
face-to-face basis. This will anchor within you an experience that will
carry you through anything that will follow. These dedicated ones will
enter this experience not only for their own blessing and personal needs
for their work, but primarily for a witness to the world. This is the
testimony we would have them give to the world, the account of their
face-to-face encounter with the Commanders of the Extraterrestrial
Forces of the Space Confederation.
You shall be taken into that
place where our Etheric Mother-ship Cities are in waiting. Now is the
time when the world must know, and believe, and accept these things.
This book you are preparing now could very well forestall all atomic war
and all geological destruction if the hearts of men would receive our
You see, the old revelations no longer grasp the
attention of the people. There must be an injection of new material to
awaken the urgency within Mankind to think seriously at this crucial
time of Earth's evolution. We are constantly in need of new testimonies,
new recorded experiences, as souls tend to ignore the old and the past.
We must have new voices to keep the vision before the present
We declare to you, our messenger, that physical
evidences will be given our Representatives, which will not only sustain
them, but which they will bring back to the world for the expansion of
Light and Understanding to men of Earth."
"I am
Andromeda Rex, of the Intergalactic Council of the Space Confederation,
and your speaker for this hour. All of you will strengthen the testimony
of each other. They cannot call it conspiracy if the evidential material
is in all of your hands. For were they to remove it from you, it will
appear elsewhere. And so, in this manner we protect our work and our
Many books
will come forth from the Gatherings and a fresh input of information and
enthusiasm. We realize, along with you, that the input of other
generations has cooled and grown too accustomed by most. It no longer
electrifies in the manner that is needed. Therefore, we propose to jolt
new fire and interest into our program by these representatives who will
sojourn with us for this brief exposure to witness to the reality of our
existence and purpose.
This new
program will be all that is needed to carry the momentum into and
throughout the cleansing period and the inauguration of the New Age on
Earth. All of you who come will be the Initiators of that New Age
We send our love and deepest gratitude for all of the
assistance rendered to us, without which, we could not accomplish the
mission of Hope and Light to planet Earth."
Tuella: “Sir, you
have stated that upon returning, we are to become open witnesses to the
fact of our representation of your Commands above. Is there not some
sort of illegality to be reckoned with in being the Representative of an
alien government?”
Answer: “That is a good question, Tuella.
Let's discuss the matter. It is true in a certain sense that as an alien
from another Earth government this would apply. And of course,
considering the hostility of your Earth governments, this would probably
also apply in the present. However, I wish to point out to all of you
involved that you do not represent an alien helpless government. You
will be backed by all of our enabling intervention in any problem that
might arise.
So often your
own CIA personnel are required to enter into missions in which they can
do no calling upon those who have sent them. They cannot in any way
reveal their identity or their source of authority. In the case of our
Representatives, such is not the case. On the contrary, you will have
full and open access to all of our abilities to protect you, to work
with you in confusing those who would harm you, and convincing them of
the truth of your ambassadorship. For remember, this is our only
purpose, to get them to listen attentively to the messages being sent to
If this same activity is happening in many countries all
over the globe simultaneously, there will be much serious thought given
to the matter. Further, there will be a protesting uprising against
those in office who might seek in any way to do harm to those whom God
has sent. This is not the day of the Sanhedrin and Pilate's Court; this
is your world, in which people can make themselves heard if they choose
to do so.
Your people have read of these things and received and
believed the words and the witness of our Commanders and their visit in
our midst. They will hasten to stand up and be heard, and that from many
high places. Basically that which you will all say and do stems from
your personal religious experience and convictions, and under your
Constitution, you do have that right to act upon your personal religious
However, if the powers that be indeed wanted to
become belligerent and unduly ugly, then they could stress obscure
technicalities as grounds for incarceration. But a few visits and
occurrences from us would soon end all such. And if necessary, we would
simply remove or transport our faithful who were so treated.
Have no fear of any of these Earthly reverberations, for we will
have all things in hand. This will be easier to believe and understand
once you have seen our equipment in operation with your own eyes.
Then fear
will be impossible within you."
I have been
given to understand that the returning will be to exactly the spot from
which lift-off occurred.
Further, whether or not full
consciousness is retained during this removal and return with full recall,
will be an individual matter and depend upon the person and the
assignment. Full recall is not permitted to all because in that manner the
Commands would lose control of their own program. By limiting it to only
those who can handle it, they remain in control of their own program. Some
will have recall triggered through the system at a certain time, because
egos and personalities are involved. To prevent these from interfering
with the plan, their recall will have to be triggered later.
That is partly
where the body crystals play a part.
We have
these words from Commander Jycondria, Assistant to Ashtar, received by
spiritual messenger Lyara, of Golden Rays Center, Phoenix:
"The Eagles,
'Missionaries from Space,' who are to receive these messages, will be
surprised at both the variety and importance of their final assignments.
The leaders of this final work will emerge from those of you who have
quietly prepared in this lifetime for the fulfillment of visions and
destinies they have known they are working for. Each wave of vibrational
tuning up that has been accomplished on this planet has brought forth
spiritual leaders who effected and supported these spiritual
advancements through writings, teachings, music, arts, drama,
inventions, science, etc. Like a surfer emerging on the crest, their
voice and influence has been spiritually uplifting to Humanity.
Some must deflect the energies of the darkened ones who throw
their darts of destruction, attempting to interfere with this work.
Guard well against psychic, etheric and psychological attacks, for
subtly working their destructive bends through these vehicles can be
more deadly than releasing the atom bomb. Work confidently and wisely in
the Light, knowing full well the power of God. Fear not any power as
being apart from God, for what you fear, you will be subject to.”
As we approach
the conclusion of the message directed to the Intergalactic Legion of
Special Volunteers from the Ashtar Command, it seems a proper place to
present Kuthumi's summary of it all:
"In my Office
of World Teacher, which I share with the Beloved
Jesus-Sananda, we have often spoken together concerning
the great darkness that fills the minds of men. Our work is sometimes
discouraging, as we seek to penetrate the thought world of souls on
Earth with shafts of Divine Light. The intuitive spiritual portion of
the mind is so often overpowered and overshadowed by the preponderance
of the intellect and the thinking processes. Yet there is a flame within
Man that brings knowing as an instinctive function and spiritual in
As events unfold in the discussions within this
manuscript, it is our hope that spiritual intuition within the souls of
men will respond, rather than intellectual reaction and debate. There
are, as one has said, 'reasons which reason cannot understand.' The
progress of civilization has brought Humanity to a place of crisis and
dangers to come.
Now must come
that day of separation so often spoken of by those Teachers who have
attempted to shed Light on Terra. Now the wheat is to be separated from
the chaff and be gathered by the Father, and the chaff tied in bundles
to be burned. Who can speak of these things without the presence of
sadness within his heart? Certainly not I. Yet I must speak, for the
very words carry with them the emanations of love and hope that is shed
upon those who read wisely.
Because of the release of atomic
power, because of the heaviness of planetary vibrations, because of the
release of the energies of the seven eclipses and the alignments of the
planets, these are not ordinary times. These are times that will speak
the end of the old order and the beginning of the new. This is the day
of the new beginning. This is the day of the new Earth, and it must be
made ready for its mission.
I speak on behalf of the entire
Spiritual Hierarchy when I plead with you to realize that 'time is
short,' and whatever thou wouldst do toward spiritual expansion had best
be done quickly. The coming onslaught will bring with it the end of
materialistic dreams and objectionable goals.
The inner
planetary expulsions will soon be felt and be seen in an outward
manifestation upon the surface of the land. As these things come to
pass, many voices will be raised, and many great works will be seen,
such as have never been seen. These will be the works of these who have
been lifted into our midst, from whom the veils have been removed, and
whose chakras have been fully opened.
Souls who see
them and hear them will know that these annointed ones have truly been
with us and returned with a witness and the evidence that cannot be
denied. For a 'brief moment of time' their ministries will be blessed
and protected, and they shall no longer be secluded away without freedom
of service. They shall stand boldly in many places, witnessing to the
experiences that came to them in higher realms, where they were given a
full insight to the events that are just before the world.
they have been raised in your midst, listen to these voices! These are
the chosen and Elect Leaders, placed upon the planet by orders of the
Spiritual Hierarchy and through collaboration of our beloved brothers
from other dimensions and other worlds. These witnesses will return to
you with the strength of authority upon their words and their deeds,
that will convince and prepare many for the evacuation that is to
Their words shall remove fear and heal unbelief and
expose the reality of that great invisible army of the Legions of Light
that surround you. Every moment of the day, they monitor thoughts, words
and deeds, and planetary responses, conditions and affairs. But a time
will come when they are no longer able to contain the planetary action
destined to come to pass.
When those
hours are upon you, many of you shall be prepared in your hearts, by
these who return to you to give you our message. They have come as
Volunteers to serve the Earth in her hour of trial. They shall be the
spokesmen on the physical octave for those who remain in the higher
dimensions. You shall know them by their fruits and by the evidence
which they bring with them.
We give warning to the world that ye
seek not to destroy them, for that is not possible, and such an
intention will precipitate grave results in your own lives. This inner
circle of incarnated ones will walk amongst you when we have returned
them to you. You will be electrified by their words and the story they
have to tell the world.
Since the
creation of time, there has never been a time such as this, when the
chosen and Elect Volunteers to Earth shall be gathered together to
receive their credentials and their authority and sent back to bring
these things before Humanity. Hear my words, O beloved ones; take heed
that you touch not a hair of their heads, for they also are Emissaries
of the Golden Light from other worlds. I am Kuthumi, and I bring you my
blessing, my Love to all of you.
My Light
shines upon each and everyone of you who read these words."
PART II The Three
Chapter 1: Mission of Mercy
We find much assurance and comfort from these words of beloved
Spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar System has concluded that Man has
reached that point in his spiritual awakening when a fuller revelation
of the closing portion of the Divine Plan for Earth may be revealed to
This light is not a new thing. Glimmers have appeared here
and there through many at different points in time. Yet broadly
speaking, it has not been a known thing either. Or perhaps it has
appeared in distorted form. It has not been stressed or particularly
emphasized by us until this generation. There are many present, even
within the folds of New Age concepts, who will cry that these things
must not be spoken of. Yet where will they be when the word is needed to
comfort the hearts of millions, when the sky is darkened with
spacecraft, come to lift them to safety?
So we must have our
nucleus of messengers with the stamina and the courage to dare to get
the message to the people of Earth, that this hour will come, and that
when it does, there will be help ready in the skies to care for them! We
do not involve ourselves with the dogmas of Earth or crystallizations of
the doctrines of Men. If our alerting messages or warnings or any
portion thereof seems to be at odds with accepted traditional
interpretations of things, then let tradition update its information by
returning to direct contact with the Celestial Government of this Solar
Souls of Divine Illumination will not be overcome with
fear because of a foreknowledge of coming events, but will, rather, be
filled with a joyous confidence in the Heavenly Father and take refuge
in His shadow until these calamities be passed. This, then, is your
refuge from the storm, your shadow from the heat. With these revelations
we share with you some of the details involved in the Father's
Protective Presence and the means with which it will be manifested in
the crisis hour for the children of God. It is well to trust in the
general principle that, 'come what may, God will take care of me.' It is
even more comforting to be apprised of His method and His Plan for doing
so. Many have long walked by faith, believing but not seeing. This faith
now finds its fruit within this body of practical revelation as it
applies to the physical octave.
In the darkest hour that can
come for this planet, when its very existence would be destroyed were it
not for the intervention of the Father's Hand, the millions who have
dared to trust in Him when they had no other evidence other than their
own faith, will be rewarded openly by being lifted into His Ark of
Safety. As a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings, this Ark provided
will be the great armadas of floating cities that orbit the Earth on
All of the units of Heaven have laboured
together on this great Plan, counseled together and served earnestly to
bring to consummation the greatest rescue of souls, of all time. The
beloved sons and daughters of God will be hidden under our wings until
the planet Earth is once more habitable. Then that which has been
'plucked up' shall be 'planted again,' and the Earth shall bring forth
beautiful fruit in the Father's Name, within the cleansed and purified
vibrations of a new Heaven and a New Earth.
Do not
despair that others are not telling the story. The world has not been
ready to hear. Many, at least, are close to the facts, though they know
it not. But once again, through this means, we who guard your World now
tell unto Man that which is before him. Let him choose wisely his
response to the Plan.
I am Kuthumi, World Teacher of this Solar
System under the auspices of the Great Central Sun Government.”
With these
beautiful words to strengthen the 'hope that is within us,' we will be
considering in this second part of our book, the planetary situation and
the solution.
There is much concern throughout the Ashtar Command
concerning the fear of Mankind toward the peace-loving and goodwill
Ambassadors from Outer Space.
Ashtar speaks:
“I speak for
the Most High Command of the Guardian Forces. Preparations are now
underway for a great Conclave of the Guardian Action. The masses must
somehow be reached with an understanding of our true mission and the
purpose of our presence in your skies. All fear must be removed from
their hearts through teachings that will help them to understand that we
surround your planet only in an attitude of love and helpfulness and a
desire to serve Mankind. Fear of us makes it impossible for the
completion of our Mission when the time is come.
There are too
many who fear us, too many who would withdraw and hold back should an
invitation be given to come with us for rescue. We recognize the
problem. We are dealing with it in every possible way through hundreds
of precious willing souls that are Earth-based. We cannot be of help to
those who fear us, who do not trust us, and who cannot accept us. The
attitude of Humanity must be changed for the great majority, before the
hour of crisis.
We cannot
fulfill the Plan of the Hierarchy or assist Mankind unless the world is
enlightened to our purpose and mission.”
Beloved St.
Germain has also contributed a message for sharing here:
“The massive
buildup of negative effluvia surrounding the planet is being penetrated
by our special cosmic rays to loosen and dissolve it. This will take
considerable time, but the process is in action. These great rays have
been sent forth from the Great Central Sun and will be in effect for the
next three to five years. The Solar System is now being slowly turned
toward its new orbit and the Aquarian field of expression. When this is
accomplished, the frequencies of Earth will be compatible with the rest
of its Solar System.
We of the Solar Tribunal, who guard and
watch over these events, have undertaken to release many from their
heavy loads of remaining karma in order to assist them in turning
towards the Light in these crucial times. The karmic patterns have been
broken up for many through the decrees of the Sons of Light, as well as
the power of many Avatars now in embodiment who do have that authority
to remove or lessen the karma of a soul.
In the months following
our 'First Contact' appearance, we will begin to see a tremendous
turning towards the Light and a marked increase of Light activities.
These will be blessed and helped in a manner unprecedented. For all that
is of the Light is now manifesting abundance of freedom and power, while
simultaneously, those activities which are opposed to that Light are
being drained of their energies and weakened in influence. Therefore,
between the time that these specially trained envoys return to their
places and that time when souls must be lifted, there will be a
phenomenal growth in understanding and awareness all over the globe.
This will be pressured into being partly by the ministry of
these Earth-based Leaders, as it is combined with the incoming rays. The
testimonies will be more acceptable than heretofore. Through the great
rays the Spiritual Hierarchy will be active in the program. We all work
in unison and with one mind and one goal for the uplifting of Humanity.
Both incarnate and discarnate Beings of Light will labor side by side in
this great ingathering, while 'there is yet day' before 'the night
cometh when none can work.'
I leave my electronic presence with
all who read these words, and my benediction rests upon them. I am St.
Germain, of the Violet Ray. “
From a book
compiled by Winfield Brownell, called “UFOs – Keys to Earth's Destiny”, we
include, with his permission, a message received by him from Monka, whose
words we are always eager to hear:
“We have many
many ships that are going through your atmosphere at all times; and now
and then, here and there, we are helping more people to experience
sightings of the ships, and some are being taken for trips. There is
more of this type of activity, but it is just incidental. We are looking
forward to the time when we can land in great numbers. We cannot land as
long as too many Earth beings have fear. The condition of your feeling
world is our test to tell whether or not we should bring in the ships in
large numbers and land, before the serious cataclysmic activities on
Earth may come about.
We can test the feeling world of
Humankind, and judge exactly the level of its development. At the
present time the percentage of your people who have more fear than we
would want to cause, is about six percent. Now the question is, how low
must that percent register before we could take a chance on landing in
large numbers? We feel that if it goes down below three percent, we can
land in quite large numbers. We would experiment with it, if the number
got down to that point. However, the percentage has not been lowering
very much, so we hope there will be an improvement.
There are
more people in certain areas who would allow fear, and in this regard,
your United States is a little bit lower than some of the other places
because of experience and more publicity about UFOs, but you are still
not down to three percent.
We have been preventing your Earth
from going into a flip on its axis, which would change the positions of
your polar regions by displacing your equator. Such a displacement
cataclysm would practically wipe out most of the life on Planet Earth;
and if we needed to do this, we would just withdraw the help which we
have been giving, to hold your World in its orbit. Should it become
necessary to withdraw our help, your planet would go into the flip on
its axis, which in turn would soon end wars of any kind, and wash and
cleanse the whole of Earth and begin its final purification.
that happened, it would only be a matter of minutes - an hour at the
most -during which we can pick up the persons to be saved. There are
almost 13,000,000 Space Ships close to your Earth now. Most are still in
the finer dimension, so you do not see them. However, we can shift into
another dimension which would be closer to your Third Dimension - close
enough so we could pick up all of you beloved, precious ones in your
physical bodies, and save those of you who would be proper to populate
the Earth in the New Age, when you will have 'Heaven on Earth.'
Work on your feeling world so that you are always at peace. Do
not become disturbed. A disturbed climate would be dangerous if suddenly
this activity of Earth's flip on the axis took place. Do not let
anything in to disturb you. If someone started an atomic war, or
earthquakes, hurricanes or any violence of that nature appeared, your
inner disturbance and fear would endanger you. Without fear, you are
protected by the Light which you have drawn about you, and the greater
Light which you continue to draw.
Sad to relate, as the energies
are stepped up and frequencies increased, the evil forces are more
active. They are in their last throes, as it were, and some of them are
getting desperate. They feel that they may not be able to accomplish
their mission in controlling others to promote undesirable deeds. Their
desperation has caused them to step up evil happenings, and the evil is
receiving more publicity.”
Monka's closing
paragraph brings to mind further words in the message from Andromeda Rex
through messenger Lucy Colson:
“Those of you
who are Light Commanders must be brought further into our radiation and
thoughts. Now is the time in which we call you to attend to your duties
for which you were posted into an early lifetime. Arise, O Eagles, arise
and fly that Michael and His Hosts may join you in flushing from the
Earth all vestiges of evil and negativity. The planet Earth must return
to its rightful place in the Cosmos.”
A prominent
leader of the Intergalactic Fleet, Commander Alphon, speaking through
messenger Lyara, of Golden Rays Center in Phoenix, reveals:
“Each soul
has already been locked into the coordinates for their unique timing and
circumstances. Rest assured that planetary evacuation is quite familiar
to us, and each detail has been fully accounted for. Those involved are
being prepared at conscious and unconscious levels. The existing
energies of the core of this planet will be gradually releasing in vast
magnitude, eventually rendering its surface temporarily unusable.
It is not
only the physical changes, but resulting boomerangs, that will affect
the quality and survival of life here. It is still scheduled that an
estimated ten percent are scheduled for departure. The remainder will
not have a long opportunity to support life at this dimension. The
severity will assist souls' release from the Third Dimension quite
Earth must karmically fulfill certain destinies and
plans. Recognize that just as your destiny is to serve in these final
days, others are on different courses of destiny. Be true to the Godself
within. Love, Alphon, of the Intergalactic Fleet.”
release from Alphon through Lyara continues, “Evacuation plans have
already been initiated through natural planetary disasters and
disappearances, and will become increasingly evident. Many pickup points
coordinated by each sector will make a gradual and peaceful, planned
departure of Earth's citizens in addition to those taken through
disappearance and natural disaster events.
There are many
reasons for this acceleration. First is the inaccuracy of the present
day calendar system, which is off by thirteen years. Then, there has
been planetary vibrational acceleration caused by several factors,
including atomic research testing. And third and the final reason that
both the surface and Middle Earth must be evacuated, will be a possible
planetary lineup, followed quickly by the bypass of a larger planet.
Approximately ten percent of the planetary population is to be
taken aboard the Mother Ships for eventual return to the planet after 5
to 7 years. Some will remain aboard the ships. The boarding pass for all
will be 'love in the aura,' for without that, one cannot withstand the
higher vibrational frequencies which will be necessary.
Items of
spiritual value and advanced technology which have been guarded by the
Brotherhoods, will be withdrawn and replaced when the planet is
My own
Commander spokesman has brought to me a Great Commander who comes from a
very high-ranking station in the Ashtar Command, a great Leader honored by
all. He truly exemplifies the spirit of Love. He is the Record Keeper for
the Galaxy and the records are kept on the planet bearing his name.
It was my great
privilege to welcome HATONN to contribute to this book:
citizens of planet Earth, I bring you my thoughts on the plight of your
planet. We look down upon it and see within its inner being the record
of all of its turmoils throughout all of its history. We see the
struggles of the Light to shine forth and the hindering influences of
the dark ones. We observe and we wait, knowing that ultimately the Earth
will be as a great shining Star, the most beautiful in all the Heavens.
Why would you seek to destroy it, O Man? Cannot your differences be
reconciled in a peaceful way?
We of the outer worlds have found
a way to do this, and have learned that Love is the only way toward
peace and enjoyment of our brothers. There were times eons ago when some
of our worlds had not yet found this solution. In their torment and
thrust for power over others, they did also seek the great weapons of
destruction and did cause much havoc within many constellations. Their
greed and lust for power and control of other worlds only led to the
destruction of themselves. There is an eternal monument to them seen as
the stardust fragments across the Heavens. Out of these problems, we of
the Galactic Federation of Planets formed the Galactic Pact, which
forbids warfare against another and the warlike ones who would not yield
were removed from our midst.
Now your world has projected itself
into this chaotic time of unrest and threat due to the calculations of a
few in your midst who will not yield to the peaceful way or the attitude
of peace and love on Earth. This is regrettable, for your entire SSystem
is destined to orbit its way into a higher frequency manifestation. This
will lift your entire world into vibrations so elevated that only the
peaceful man may survive in them.
Therefore, it
is ordained that before this orbit into the Golden Age is fulfilled, the
Earth will be prepared for its advancement by many changes. War will be
removed, outlawed, from your planet, and all of the impurities of your
way of life will be filtered away by the changing scene due to begin.
There will be much turmoil in your midst and much sorrow for those who
have sought to instigate bloodshed upon Terra.
We, therefore,
have been authorized by the Spiritual Hierarchy, to intervene in the
affairs of Earth in the event of attempted nuclear holocaust. This will
not be permitted by the higher intelligences who watch over your
affairs. Intervention will come to you in the form of cataclysms of
great magnitude. We plead with Mankind, yet this day, to lay aside your
arms and dismantle your stockpiles of death, and come to the peace
tables to settle your differences.
Come in the
desire to find another way. Know there is a better way and labor
together until you find it. Lean not upon yourmilitary powers, but
rather, look to the Most High for your directions. Even in these
messages, designed to warn you of the coming Evacuation and what to
expect concerning it, I nevertheless plead with Humanity, and I say this
can yet be avoided if Man will change and turn his eyes toward God. The
Love of God within all men must be allowed to express itself and space
must be made in your thinking for its outworking in your international
Nevertheless, having stated thus, I do now give my
attention to the peacemakers among you. Your efforts are carefully
recorded and every effort of love to extend love amongst your fellows
shall not be forgotten, but your reward shall come to you. Further, you
will not be expected to be a participant in the destructions you have
labored so faithfully to avert.
You will be
removed from the chaos and be sheltered in our ships that will come to
escort you to safety. I have many times visualized this great event in
my mind, marvelling at the efficiency of the Plan and the expertise of
those who will bring it to completion.
Many of you who read
these words will be assisting us from the ground level in this great
undertaking. 'As above, so below'. The teamwork of cooperative effort
will prepare souls in advance and acclimate them when the zero hour has
come. The primary purpose for sending forth this document by the Ashtar
Command is to prepare the minds of those enlightened souls now present
upon the planet with at least a veiled description of what to expect at
these crucial events, and thus, lessen the presence of fear.
Therefore, I sum up for your consideration some basic statements
to hold in your mental storehouse against that hour:
1. Each of
your names is written down on the records held in our great computers.
Your, Sectors are carefully assigned to certain fleets and Commanders
who oversee the needs of your Sector. We know you are there and
exactly where you are.
2. Each one of you will without fail
receive definite instructions at crisis moment so that you will know
where to be at a given time. No one will be missed or overlooked, and
your participation is sure.
3. Units of families, separated in
the great exodus, will be brought together again on our ships as soon
as events make this possible. Do not harbor fear of any kind, but
think only in an attitude of thankfulness to Our Father. ;
There will be some you know and whom you love who will be remaining
behind for reasons built into their own being. You must release them
into the hands of the Father, who will receive their spiritual being
into His House where there are many mansions. They will be escorted to
a place their inner thoughts and life patterns have created for them,
to begin again their upward spiral. You must accept that their
personal choices have created their personal destiny.
5. There
will be a natural missing of accustomed environment, but a brief time
with us will bring a forgetfulness, as you settle into the new
routines and surrounding atmosphere. Our ships are beautiful places to
be, and the atmosphere within them is joy and love and concern for one
another. There will be those of your own, already trained to assist
you in your adjustment to your new environment. We will have trained
these beforehand for the work they are to do.
6. You will
recognize and know these Leaders as special Representatives of our
Mission, even before the crisis has come. Follow them and heed their
instructions, that all may go smoothly for you at the time of great
I am Hatonn,
and I shall personally greet all of you when you are lifted into our
midst to remain with us for a little while. When your planet has been
healed, you will be returned to it and all of your needs for
reconstruction will be given. Higher Intelligences shall walk with you
to assist you in a speedy reclaiming of the Earth in Universal Love.
I am grateful
for your consideration of my words.”
Chapter 2: The Gathering Storm
Probably one of the most important releases from the Guardians
of our planet, relative to nuclear warfare, came in a joint statement by
Joshua, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and Andromeda Rex, high in the
echelons of Universal Statesmanship and the Space Alliance.
The statement
deals with 'The Effect of Nuclear Attack upon the Soul,' through the
spiritual messengership of Lucy Colson:
"It is very
disruptive to the soul's growth to encounter the full nuclear radiation
resulting from global conflict. One tends to believe that the four lower
bodies are separated by time and space. This is not true. What happens
to the physical body during a nuclear attack affects the non-physical
bodies as well.
The soul can most definitely be affected; and
any nuclear attack is an attack upon the soul of others - military
targets notwithstanding. The nuclear effect affects the auric envelope
around a person, and according to how close the person is to the blast
area, it can either maim the envelope permanently or destroy it
completely. Normally those whose energy fields are thusly affected die
in a very short period - not so much from the radiation, which is, of
course, poisonous to the Human organism, but because the Light or Life
of the person is destroyed. It is this Light - the Very Light of Very
Life - which is a person's connection, or Life-Line between dimensions.
This Light - or energy - travels along the Golden Cord.
What is
the Golden Cord? In the interior of the Silver Cord, which is the
higher-dimension life-cord connection between the Physical Body and the
Etheric Body, is a Golden Cord filled with a golden vital energy, vital
to the person because it is this Light energy descending through the
cord which keeps the person alive. Once the physical is destroyed, the
problem has only begun. The Spirit is normally released from the
Physical Body and travels to the higher dimension through the Silver
Cord, but in a nuclear death, the cord is preemptly snapped and
withdrawn from the person.
Life is energy, regardless of what
dimension the person is in. Energy can become distorted as various
factors play upon it. It is this distortion, brought about by the
nuclear blast and subsequent radiation, which concerns us now. The
distortion causes the soul to suffer inordinately. There is a warping of
the life energy at several planes of consciousness which must be dealt
with. It takes a great deal of care and patience to realign a soul once
it has been subjected to this ordeal. While most of our methods are not
understandable to the Earth plane at this time, you might say that we
have to polarize the energy fields of the soul before it can go on to
its rightful domain.
We have had to deal with this several times
upon your planet. Unfortunately, these destructive rays are not unique
to your planet and the effects have been felt elsewhere in the Solar
System at various times. However, once a ban was proclaimed, all other
planetary systems abided by the conditions set forth in the agreement,
realizing the terrible damage that is done to the soul. Your planet is
now the only one not in accordance with the Galactic agreement on the
use of so-called nuclear energies. We fear for your peoples. As we have
mentioned, we cannot interfere unless there is total nuclear destruction
indicated – and then we interfere because the soul's purpose warrants
interruption of the life form on the planet.
We cannot
interfere for anything less than a soul-threatening event, unless
specifically advised to do so by your own Planetary Hierarchy.”
following bold statement was made by Space Master Monka in his message
through Winfield Brownell:
"We have
promised that we will not allow an atom bomb war to gain any momentum
sufficient to cause severe radioactivity on your Planet. . You have
enough already, from the bombs dropped experimentally and otherwise,
which is sad to relate. This is the great crime against Humanity! All
atomic activity should cease upon the Earth.
There is no
safe way of taking care of the waste material from the nuclear plants
which are creating so much of it, using plutonium and other radioactive
substances. Expansion of these nuclear plants is in error, and very
undesirable. Also, there is no safe way in which radioactive materials
can be used. If you carried on with an all-out atom bomb war to the
detriment of other planets, we can prevent the war from continuing.
Under certain
circumstances we could even prevent an individual from ever pushing the
button to start an atomic war!"
That was a
striking statement to me, for I now dare to share with you information
which is evidential of this type of intervention. This account was
allegedly obtained by an unnamed aerospace engineer from a participant in
the events related. For very obvious reasons, the Engineer must remain
The account is
repeated verbatim:
"The incident
took place a few years ago at a tactical Atomic Missile Battery in
Europe near the Eastern border. An unidentified target appeared at
extreme range on the radar sonar net: initially exhibiting the
electronic characteristics of a ferret, a spy mission to seek out and
study enemy radar, radio, and other electromagnetic emissions. As if
realizing that it had been detected, the unknown blip quickly began to
respond in imitation of friendly aircraft. After routine correlation of
data, the evaluation center serving the Missile Battery initiated a red
alert. Missile #1 was raised from its stowed position and readied for
launch. Missile #2 was alerted to back up status. Missile #3 was alerted
to standby status. At the point in missile #l's countdown where the
system dictated a built-in hold to prevent unauthorized launch, the
system failed.
It was a Human failure. The firing officer on
missile #1 was known among his fellow soldiers as a hot-headed right
winger whose personal formula for World Peace was complete destruction
of all Communists, the sooner the better. Evidently feeling that he
would never be confronted with a better excuse, he pushed the firing
button that would start World War III. However, instead of a missile
lift-off, he got a red malfunction on his display console, followed
immediately by a bullet through his brain, fired by a security officer
posted behind him to prevent such things.
The missile
automatically lowered to its stowed position in its launcher, missile #2
was alerted from back-up status to launch ready status, missile #3 was
alerted to backup status from standby. Before missile #2 had proceeded
half way from its alert towards its built-in hold in the countdown, it,
too, displayed a red malfunction light and lowered to its stowed
position. Missile #3 had barely started its countdown when the red light
appeared on the display panel. The UNIDENTIFIED cause of it all reversed
its course and departed out of range.
All three missiles, their
launchers, and associated equipment, controls and displays, were
completely dismantled and inspected, to find the three separate
malfunctions that had been indicated. There were none! The equipment was
new and in perfect condition. Army Intelligence was called in and
interviewed all personnel thoroughly. It was noticed that the
investigators did not seem to think that the incident was at all unusual
or warranted any skepticism. It was as if it had all happened many times
before! It might be expected that in an event with such profound
implications concerning the history of the Human race, the prospects for
peace, and the degree to which the Human race controls its destiny,
would have its effects on the outlook of the participants, even if they
were not allowed to divulge the facts.
Indeed, the effects on
the second Missile Firing Officer seemed most beneficial. His
intelligence seemed to increase markedly. He became outgoing, cheerful,
and much happier than before. When promised anonymity, he divulged the
reason behind his transformation. The unknown target was a UFO,
so-called. On board the Alien craft was a sophisticated energy and
data-storing system, far beyond any computer Earth has yet envisioned.
Its function is to store the extremely complex intelligent energy entity
people incompletely refer to by such terms as 'consciousness,' 'ego,' or
'soul.' This is done when the entity's physical body dies.
During the
encounter between the Missile Battery and the UFO, contact was
established between the entity in the UFO and the second Missile Firing
Officer. Permission to take over control and occupancy of the Officer's
body was negotiated, requested and granted. The Alien entity was then
transmitted into the officer by a directed energy beam. In this case of
visitation, the Alien left virtually all of his own memories behind,
which are functioning with the Officer's memories, and at a tremendously
high level of awareness, capability and intelligence.
The Officer
has since left the military, but is employed by one of the nation's
largest aerospace contractors."
following discourse was one of those received from a greatly beloved
Commander, named Korton, of the Communications Network of this Solar
"We of the
communications system headquarters located on Mars, constantly monitor
all communications that are transmitted throughout the Ashtar Command as
well as all communications received or sent forth to or from our
representatives, channels and messengers present on Earth. It gives me
great pleasure once again to administer to you a few thoughts which may
be a somewhat worthy contribution to this coming effort.
In the
beginning of this decade, as the Great Council convened to discuss
planetary affairs, much heaviness filled our hearts. The situation
existing in and around and upon the planet was crucial, because of the
evil ministrations and the dark intentions of certain ones embodied in
your midst. These dark ones [The Illuminati / Secret Government] desire
to instigate world situations which would produce chaos and disorder
within the Earth family and result in tremendous unnecessary loss of
life from this platform of evolution. Growth and evolvement would be
disrupted for many souls, as well as ultimately defeating the Glory of
God intended to fill Earth with Love and Grace.
We have known
the utmost effort to this end would be extended by this group of whom I
speak, during the period of 1982 extending into 1984. The ultimate goal
is nuclear war and destruction of the present prevailing economic
system. The final idea of enslavery of Mankind and total subjection of
Humanity to the ruling few would result in total extinction of freedom
of will and Man's right of choice to determine his pathway. As embodied
sparks of the Divine, this choice is their inherent right, ordained at
creation. The tenets of Universal Law prevail in all of the solar
systems and galaxies of this Universe. We have therefore been given the
authority to intervene and to interrupt, disrupt and destroy these plans
to enslave souls. The Spiritual Hierarchy has ordained total freedom to
us in these matters. We have considered the hostilities internationally,
the threats of escalation that appear almost constantly and the issues
as we see them. It is evident that a Master diabolical hand prepares
these ever recurring incidents, skirmishes of lesser scale, military
hostile actions and the repeated disturbances in one small nation after
We are alert to the 'Beast' and the Plan and the
purpose of the Plan. We are united in our love for your world, with
freedom to choose your own pathway within your own guidance system.
Presently, many karmic debts remain upon nations which must be
reconciled. However, we continue aloof to those situations where karmic
debt is a factor, until that point in circumstances when the Great Law
is fulfilled. Beyond that point, intervention by the Intergalactic
Confederation forces will be forthcoming, and men shall be told their
acts of aggression shall proceed this far and no farther. The destiny of
this Planet may not be destroyed.
Military offenses of whatever
nature are monitored by our Commands, and close discernment of karmic
patterns is faithfully examined. When national situations reach a
boiling point, some nuclear activity can be expected within the karmic
concept, but wanton uncontrolled destruction will precipitate our
intervention under Universal Law. At the point of national and personal
accountability, all nuclear action will cease, by use of our technology.
The capability of Mankind to make right choices is in a
continual changing pattern, and in many areas greatly changing for the
better. Consequently, we cannot offer dates and times and specifics
involved. The element of constant change affects prophecy of the past,
from or through any source, including your scriptures. These which deal
with international affairs are subject to the Will of Man and his desire
to find solutions in love.
In our assessment of Earth's affairs,
it seems unlikely that world evacuation would be precipitated by
warfare. World evacuation has primarily been planned because of threats
from other sources. I refer to the spiritual evolvement of Humanity or
the lack of it, and the influence it brings to bear upon the Life Force
of the entity Earth. The aspirations of its inhabitants determine its
destiny, as well as their own. Disharmony brings destruction.
Displacement of spiritual values effects displacement of matter within
and upon the globe of Terra. Earth changes will be the primary factor in
mass evacuation of this planet. We will be standing by while the entity
Earth's efforts to protect itself, shakes off its irritants and
destructive elements.
There is no place for fear of any kind
relating to these matters. Everyone whose understanding has this
awareness of our constant vigil on your behalf, who understands that the
Heavenly Father knoweth the whereabouts of each of His Own and that the
very hairs of your heads are numbered, should feel secure. We speak of
the children of Light. The Planet entity will enter a period of
cleansing to prepare itself for its Golden Age.
You are a
part of that heritage and you shall inherit the Earth and its glory.
This is
Korton, of Mars, speaking for the Ashtar Command."
Masters who
can read the Akashic Records have stated that China would soon have enough
atomic and hydrogen bombs to start a war for the subjugation, under them,
of everyone else on Earth.
Perhaps so, but
the insight that has made its way throughout New Age circles has it that
the cause for the comparatively recent unprecedented earthquake in China
was the massive secret underground military installation there, covertly
concealing the housing of untold thousands of troops geared for offensive
'They boast of tomorrow' like that one who proposed to
'build many new barns,' totally unaware of the true state of things as
they are and as they will be!
The brotherhood
of Man is a reality, for Our Father has,
'made of one
blood all nations ... on Earth ... and determined the times before
appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.'
(Acts 17:
No other
commandment has been given that is greater than the admonition to love our
neighbors as we love ourselves! Love is the circumspection and the
completion of all Universal Law.
For 'being
rooted and grounded in love,' we can comprehend the 'breadth, length, and
depth and height' of the inner divinity, or splendor, within every man!
Into the
heaviness of my thought at this point, beloved J.W., of Jupiter, came
bounding in like the clean gust of a fresh wind:
"Many years
ago according to your Earth's time, it was my privilege to give to the
world a small volume entirely dictated by me, through a channel called
Gloria Lee. Essentially my message then contained descriptions and
details dealing with the identical subject of this book. The former book
was withdrawn out of print with the transition/death of my channel, and
I have not attempted another like discourse since that time. However,
the book remained to fulfill its ministry in triggering the awakening of
many of the Special Volunteers upon the Earth. So it did serve its
purpose to the few to whom it was sent.
Now it is a great joy to
me to learn of this project of the Ashtar Command in producing this
volume so necessary in this day. Again I realize, it is read by the few,
just as mine was in its day. Nevertheless, this outreach is of great
importance to the Commands. The fleets of Jupiter and many others are
occupied in their assignment on the other side of your world, but we
desire to bring you this word to assure you that we shall assist in
distribution of these words throughout Europe, the Orient and all points
surrounding them. This will be our contributing effort and every fleet
in my charge hails this mission of beloved Kuthumi and Commander Ashtar.
I desire to leave a brief message to those souls into whose
hands this volume will be placed. Now is the hour! Now is the time! Look
not for another decade or even the completion of this one. We have in
our responsibility the presence of many nations who are not content to
live in peace, but whose appetites for world power would destroy all
that lies in their pathway if that were possible.
Our constant
vigilance above them has been a saving grace in many threatening
situations over here, but that does not insure that at any given moment
a wrong button will not be pushed, or despair of solution instigate the
first strike. There are those with diabolical plots to make it so. These
we must watch with great concern. For it is not the people of these
nations who act in this way, but the small cluster of certain ones in
whose hands control is placed, who have the authority and the power to
manipulate their circumstances which would lead to greater conflict.
We are the silent watchers and we are the Guards! But it is like
unto the lid of the pressure cooker which is about to burst forth its
steam. Be not unbelieving of these pages, but know they are the truth;
these are urgent things the Enlightened ones must know and be prepared
for. Mankind cannot count upon time. We join with all of the Ashtar
Command in admonishing those who have started upon the pathway of
illumination to grasp the garment of truth and adorn thy being. Be love!
Be light! Be in tune with the Universe and its thrust for Light upon the
planet Earth. All else is the way of the fool.
Again I thank you
for this opportunity to speak, and all of our help will be forthcoming
to spread these messages.
I am ever at
your service, J.W. of Jupiter."
A paragraph
from beloved Joshua, through messenger Lucy Colson, seems a fitting
summary with which to close this section:
"While plans
are going ahead for planetary evacuation, they are going ahead on a
'crisis basis' only. Man, with his Free Will, has the option to stay the
Hand of the Lord. While the hour is extremely late, we have not given up
hope that Man will yet realize the immediacy of his peril, both to
himself and his planet, and come into alignment with his Christ
should there be planetary warfare, then the Hand of God will be
stayed no more, and we will have to rescue our Light Servers, for
theirs is not the destiny to witness the full cleansing."
Chapter 3: The
Cleansing Action
Earth's axis
is influenced by the weight of the karma of Humanity. Man's inhumanity to
Man and voluminous thought forms and feelings of negative emotions have
tipped the axis of the planet. Electrons have weight - though very slight,
singly, of tremendous heaviness in the aggregate. It has been pointed out
that this has been concentrated mostly in the Northern Hemisphere and has
bent the axis. This bend of the axis causes instability in Earth's
revolving action.
Churchwood's books on the ancient civilisation
of "Mu" graphically describe this tipping, producing colossal tidal waves
of water, gravel, and ice, destroying all life in its pathway. Earth's
proper climates can only be restored to normal in the arighting of the
axis. In the Halls of Heaven we are told there are blueprints for planet
Earth which present the original designed continental distribution of the
Originally the
seven continents encircled the globe at its greatest diameter, while water
occupied the other two regions. To restore the original continental
distribution will require tremendous cataclysmic activity, sinking certain
continents beneath the seas and raising others. Following this, the barren
Earth would need proper climate restoration and a new covering of foliage
and vegetation.
Spiritual Light Being Lytton mentions this
(through Lyara):
"The physical
Earth is a living organism/consciousness, and is continuously being
created by group consciousness. Solidified thought forms have densified
into rocks, earth, institutions, and constructions, etc., which must be
broken up to yield to new vibrations and new creations. From the higher
vibration will emerge the new Heaven and the New Earth. The entire
surface of the planet will be reconstructed."
Lytton has
important things to say concerning acceleration also:
significant activity in the 1970's that had such an impact upon time was
the atomic underground blasts! Each Human life form is composed of
millions of atoms. It is the lowest visible, divisible structure to our
physical world. Within the atom exists the exact counterpart of the
outer universe - the inner universe. It is not visible by Human senses
or instruments, for like its constituents, it can only be perceived by
spiritual vision or, in some cases, by properties. The science of
etherons is one application of the principles of the 'stuff' composing
the atom.
The rate the atom vibrates in matter constitutes the
uniqueness of the creation the thought form supports. For example, a
rock vibrates quite slowly, whereas Man, depending upon his
spiritual/soul development, can vibrate quite rapidly.
All on
this planet share a common substance of space which surrounds the atoms.
Through this space flows the life force which connects all creations on
or within this planet. Now what do you imagine happens when man splits
the atomic structure violently in one part of the surface of the planet,
or within? The Life Force which flows through the ether (as rapidly as
your thoughts are sent into the universe-instantly) and all atomic
structures, begin to accelerate in their vibration, causing TIME, as
vibration, to accelerate, putting us many years into the future! No more
atomic blasting is allowed!
You, as
citizens of the Earth, have already spiraled this planet into the last
years! As the Earth begins to yield to this pressure within and without,
and the stars within the heavens exert their influences, rapid, imminent
changes must occur. We, in the Fleet, could not prevent you from your
destiny of bringing the planet into its final work, but we have now been
allowed to oversee how you handle this. It is not allowed for you to
blow up this planet, as Maldek and other planets have done when they
developed nuclearly. We have given repeated warnings to your Leaders.
They have been ignored.
Now we can only carefully monitor -
assisting with as many awakening projects as you have given yourselves
time for, and safely evacuate those who are ready to go home with us.
Obviously the current vibrational frequency acceleration has a profound
effect upon life on the planet. People intuitively feel changes. Many
are opening to new dimensions, but they do not understand what is going
on. These anxiety/fearful thought forms will accelerate air and ether
pollution to the sensitive, causing them to leave the cities or live
together for personal evolution and work.
It is the discordant
conditions between these higher energies now hitting the planet and the
fears and subsequent thought forms which people have created which are
the true battle between the Light and Dark forces, or the lower and
higher which people have created.
The real war
is within the souls and hearts of every man on the planet."
have spoken of two enormous sunspots on the surface of the Sun - presently
dormant - that are the largest ever seen. But if they should flare, they
would cause a magnitude of Earth disturbances and earthquakes the like of
which has never been known within a recorded time. There has also been
much talk concerning a possible collision with Earth from another Heavenly
I asked my
teacher, Kuthumi, concerning this, and he replied:
"This is a
time-controlled event. The negative quality of Earth could magnetize it
toward its location, but if the cleansing has already occurred for this
planet, the other Heavenly body would be diverted from its course. If it
comes coincidental with nuclear action, it would be permitted as another
form of cleansing."
This Summer
I was greatly moved by an account of the stabilizing action of our beloved
Brothers from Space, which appeared in the New Atlantean Journal, and I am
sharing it here:
acquaintance of Hermann Ilg (contactee) who is employed with a
geological institute where also seismologic surveying takes place,
informed him that during the months of January and February, 1982, an
incredible observation has been made: There was not the slightest
geological movement! The apparatuses did not show anything for weeks!
This has not been the case as long as the apparatuses are in action,
because the Earth crust is in slight movement day after day. She asked
for an explanation from the Spheres of Light, and this was the answer:
“The extraterrestrials detected at the end of 1981, an
increasing, highly dangerous axial declination impending to evoke a
hyperchaotic condition. This is because of the rolling motion. As an
immediate counteraction, it was decided to place all available Mother
Ships around the whole planet in such a way that this was approximately
in keeping with the meridians. Through the emission of their powerful
radiant energy, the Earth was taken as into a vise. Thereby, the
abnormal rolling motion could be highly reduced, although not
completely. Had this not been done, there would not be a pole jump
during the coming entry of the Earth into the Monastic vibration, as
expected, but there would have been that pole changing which would have
led to a total devastation of our planet in 1982. So you see that in
late 1981 there was a highly dangerous situation.
In the same
issue of the New Atlantean Journal, Allan J. Grise mentioned that
"scientists have announced the existence of the Great American Fault
Line, a vast mega-crack in the earth's surface, that runs from Seattle
all the way to the lower reaches of the Appalachians, some 1700 miles
long and 90 miles wide at places, indicating that most of us now live
near a major fault line."
interesting and vital information concerning future Earth events comes to
us in a joint statement from Lytton, St. Germain, and Cassion, through
releases of the plates of Mother Earth, movement and motions which
previously would take many years to accomplish, will begin in vast
motion. The triggers beneath the plates in Africa, Southern Europe,
Mideast, Australia and the West Coast have been accomplished. Great
patterns and flow of energies are occurring now at the subsurface levels
of the planet, propelling triggering actions and reactions to each event
now, thousands of miles from the source. We can no longer stabilize
fault lines, and indeed, it is no longer our position to do so.
In your 'sleep' states many of you can recall working with
earthquakes, volcanoes, energy lines, grid patterns and travel to
various spots around the world. You are each a part of working groups
differentiated by etheric colors (there's that color coordination
again!) and are called to come together for service every night now. You
are being provided an understanding at the soul level of changes which
are occurring. Those on the birth path of Love balance dense emotional
energies on the planet by the neutralizer of Love.
Just as
blocks of emotions prevent the proper flow of life force through the
Human body, so do collected thought forms block the flow of the conduit
channels of energy flowing through continents and energy lines. Keep the
energy in your abodes and activities high and stay tuned, unemotionally,
to the channel of Divine Love, and you will always be guided in your
activities and your decisions.
The release of energy from
nuclear power plants will be one of our biggest concerns. Nuclear energy
was definitely an example of giving toys to children. It has only sped
up the transition for all the population. What was planned to be more
gradual has now become accelerated because of the energies released and
imbalances facilitated in both the etheric and physical life' forces. We
will not allow the entire planet to be destroyed. If atomic warfare does
become activated, that will be the point of immediate mass evacuation by
us of the prepared citizens of planet Earth.
Earth changes will
have far reaching effects upon the nuclear power plants around the
world. None are safe from potential leaks if given lethal impacts. Some
unfortunately will not be closed in sufficient time to prevent damage to
communities. Major earthquakes will cause fissures, with immediate
consequences rather than leaks. Spend special attention treating on
Divine and Perfect Order concerning these plants.
It will
intensify our work in this dimension to redirect the relocation of
specific people and officiate all responsibilities without directly
interfering with the will and destiny of Mankind. We bombard with high
vibrations and wisdom as helpers through the Fourth Dimension. The
ultimate acceptance or rejection is an individual soul decision.
Take some time each day to be isolated and know that you are not
alone, and listen to those who do surround you then. Allow your bodies
to clear all emotional blocks as quickly as your soul is calling you.
The clearer the vehicles, the greater the ability to serve. Walk
quietly, calmly, and beautifully through the world.
Golden will
be the touch of Love you will bring to others.
Golden Love
and Light - Lytton, St. Germain, Cassion."
Prochaska, a scientist who serves also as spiritual messenger, has spent
many years in nuclear research and air pollution.
We have a
pungent passage from him concerning Earth events:
"When major
quakes rock Los Angeles and California, they will not completely
collapse the State until there is a major quake down the fault line of
the Mississippi River. This Midwest quake will give a warning quake and
in twelve hours, a second devastating quake will divide the continent.
After that, major triggers around the world will occur. First, Los
Angeles; then New York, then Italy, etc.
Solar flare activities
will cause hotter heat, sickness and insanity. Do not overexpose
yourself to the sun. These solar flares will tilt the axis more and
cause climatic changes.
The last four years there has been a
hold up in activities for more internal refinement. Even twenty years
ago prayers went out for the final days to be shortened in length and
not in winter. There may be a limited nuclear war initiated by
Israel-Arab states. The Ark and other valuable spiritual and technical
items left in the earth will be lifted by the Space Brothers and
returned at reconstruction.
The orbits of the planets are
changing because of the energies of the planets. Solar flares are
causing high cosmic radiation which is hitting atoms and smashing them.
The changes happening to heavy mineral atoms are causing them to throw
off reflections which are even now causing unidentified diseases.
combination of Earth's energy plus the negative energies is affecting
the Human aura now, which accounts for much migration to clear open
evening, after dispensing with the required identifications and
interdimensional protocol, Commander Anton spoke to me concerning the
possible bypass of a large Celestial Body:
"In Earth's
closing days there will be much preparation to be made on spiritual
levels. A great manifestation of devotion will sweep across the planet
as souls become aware of the actual possibilities that hover in the near
future. You have read of a collision of comets. It could be more
involved than that.
For it is true, there is another Heavenly
body which at present is on a straight course for your own position in
the atmosphere. This is the true reason for deep concern on the part of
such as beloved Soltec and Voltra and astrophysicists here who carefully
monitor and register these activities. There is the possibility of a
disturbance from the forcefield this Celestial Body coming closer each
year. It will not need to actually enter your atmosphere to bring
reactions within the electromagnetic field of planet Earth. It can be a
great distance away, yet nevertheless make its effects penetrable enough
to cause much havoc to Earth's situation. This fact is another cause for
extreme planning on our part for perfect coordination in all evacuation
procedures. We are now organized to the extent that total evacuation
could be completed within fifteen minutes of earth time!
approach of another body or system within your magnetic field would be
known to us long before your scientific community would be aware of it.
There are universal satellites and fact-gathering devices upon them that
make those of Earth appear as toys. We are prepared for this occurrence
completely, along with all other possibilities. I mention this to your
readers, in the event that messages concerning this may have reached
some and produced fear.
This fear is
inadvisable and unnecessary, for those who have lived in love and served
the Light upon the planet, will not remain to witness any catastrophe!
We send you, rather, the comfort and the assurance that your Heavenly
Father knoweth all your needs before they are known to you. I thank you.
This is
Anton, of the Silver Fleet."
One of the
earlier messages received came from Beloved Soltec concerning coastal
evening, Tuella. This is Soltec speaking once again. I greet you in the
Great Light. As Commander of the great Phoenix Mother Ship, that
monitors all scientific situations for this Northern Hemisphere, I have
been invited to speak with you at an early opportunity whenever the door
would be opened for me to do so.
As you know, we have monitored
the planet for many civilizations. We have scanned our records and
perused every detail to gather material that might prove of interest to
Humanity concerning their destiny and the destiny of the Planet.
I have personally monitored the West coastlines for many years,
as has my father (Monka) before me. Now it would appear that soon the
time could come when these labors will prove to be not only vital in all
of our undertakings, but important in the saving of many lives. We have
organized our forces to such an extent that within one minute of time,
or sixty seconds in your time scheme, we can evacuate two-thirds of the
Western Coast should that prove necessary.
We have
organized our communication system providing for a message to be
transmitted to each craft simultaneously. Each Commander and lesser
leader is totally prepared to do exactly what they are supposed to do in
their assigned area. Therefore we do feel fully prepared and ready for
whatever takes place.
We are not able to give you details and
descriptions of what will take place, or exactly when and where. We must
confine ourselves to more general expression because so many variables
are present. Even if we did know these things, which we do not, it is
doubtful that we would be permitted to spread such facts to the
population. However, there is a certain sequence of events that can be
scientifically and philosophically projected with reasonable success and
For example: It is evident that volcanic action will
eventually erupt on the Earth's crust. We have scientifically determined
action within subterranean levels. An unrest within the bowels of Earth
has indicated to us that many volcanoes will erupt and disturb many
areas. This first action will probably come in the Mediterranean area
and along the western coastline of America and into Hawaii and that area
of the Pacific.
There is very
little we could do to prevent this action, but we can lessen the depth
of the destruction once the eruption has begun. We do have scientific
means of deploying such things as will reach within the heart of these
eruptions and cool them down. We would be very busy and active in this
A reaction throughout the planet to these outer
disturbances would follow very shortly in the wake of these occurrences.
This reaction is similar to the domino effect. For one occurrence
activates and produces another within subterranean levels of Earth.
Therefore, it appears that these eruptions would activate earthquakes
along the Western Seaboard through the faultlines there.
possibility is great that some of these earthquake maneuvers will be of
great magnitude. At such a time we would urge the children of Light to
withdraw from the shores in those places, and to penetrate inland as far
as their circumstances permit. During those Western disturbances we
would further anticipate a series of tidal waves coming to the southern
portion of the Atlantic Seaboard which would create much chaos and
destruction in the Bermuda area, the Caribbean and the coastline of
As Commander of one of the key monitoring spacecraft
that patrols the entire Northern Hemisphere for the Ashtar Command, it
is my duty to keep in closest contact with all incoming data and the
newest information. This possible future sequence has been our
conclusion as many of us have sat together in the Higher Councils and
looked upon the problems of Terra presently in the making.
the Eastern Sector, the disturbances below the surface of the ocean
would move northward up the Atlantic coast with pockets of heavy storms
for both England and the American seaboard. At such a time urge we would
urge those of Light along these areas also to withdraw inward away from
the water and the lash of winds upon them from these vast storms that
will be precipitated by the tidal waves that come first.
As I
have patrolled in my Mother Ship, the Phoenix, observing the land from
the North to the South on both of the coastlines - North in Canada and
South into the coast of South America, it has been a great trial to me
to realize that these things might be set into motion upon Earth. It is
our desire to send words of helpful warning to all occupying all of the
coastlines that theses possible actions of these great bodies of water
could be severe; they would lash upon the lands with no respect of
persons or property.
On behalf of the Interplanetary Alliance
within the Solar System, I am Commander Soltec, of Spacecraft Phoenix,
monitoring your world for the Ashtar Command, in the Authority of
Jesus the Christ, Our Beloved Commander, and the Spiritual
Hierarchy of this Solar System.
I received
a telephone call from a close friend, Jeanette M., who passed along a
dream. In the dream Jeanette saw a tremendous black cloud of colossal
size, heading toward Houston, her home. It was moving inland fast, at
great speed.
A Being
appeared beside her and told her,
hurricane will smash the Gulf Coast. It is like a great wall that will
cover the land. The wind is of such an intense nature that people do not
realize it contains a wall of water also." Jeanette was told that where
she lives the land could be totally covered with water. The Light group
there has often diligently worked with impending storms, preventing them
from coming in, or redirecting them, but she was told that "in this one,
you would not be able to work on it. At such a time we will call you. Do
not forget!"
Then she
Chapter 4: The
Great Exodus I, II, and III
Undoubtedly, the most often asked question concerning these
evacuation details is, "When?" This is apparently also one of the most
difficult to answer.
attempts an explanation for us:
situation is greatly related to international affairs. It cannot be
dogmatically determined the exact nature of the event that will
precipitate these crucial events. Whether a panic button reaction or a
polarity that cannot be maintained, when a certain critical point is
reached in planetary affairs, the changing of the auric color and
magnetic field surrounding the Earth will automatically trigger the plan
into action.
The unpredictable element of Human action must be
considered. The free will of Humanity prevents any actual knowing of
moment and time when these things will occur, for the action and
reaction of Humanity to given influences and situations are a key
factor. The onset of war on a devastating level would be a crucial
incident, which would then precipitate intervention of a cataclysmic
nature. Geological factors taking place within the orb itself are an
intricate part of triggering action.
combination of both of these events would trigger the First two Phases
of evacuation immediately, undertaken in a secret manner. The Third
Phase would follow shortly thereafter. For the Third Phase is a public
occurrence, while the first two are covert maneuvers, to insure their
completion. Time-wise, it is impossible to yet tell precisely how the
Nations will go or when they will yield to the crisis situation and blow
the world apart.
The Legion of Earth-based Commanders will
already have had their training and briefing. It is imperative this be
completed while there is time."
I have been
told that while basically most of the Lift-up will be invisible to others,
it will not necessarily be, exclusively, for all three Phases. There will
be some landings where the people just walk onto the ships. When they
cannot land or do not have open areas, then they will resort to other
methods. There may be survivors floating in water, from earthquakes, and
the land may become jelly-like in many places, making the Levitation Beam
a necessary procedure.
Another recurring question is, “Where will
the rescued be taken?” Answers that I have received cannot be specific.
Destination will depend on age as well as enlightenment level. Some will
be put to sleep to lessen the trauma. Some will remain on the Ships,
depending on their ability to continue in service. Some will be escorted
to other planets where acclimation is possible, while others may be
transferred to the tremendous city-like Mother Ships .
depends on the individual survivor, his life patterns and spiritual
evolvement. Some who qualify to be lifted up will be in need of treatment.
This will be provided. Others will be on the right level, but will require
education and training in areas designed for that purpose. The length of
time involved in removal will depend on the nature of what has taken place
upon Earth. In some cases where Earth devastation is present locally, some
may merely be relocated to another area.
Johnnie Prochaska, reader
of the Akashic records, has graphically answered the above question. He is
quoted here verbatim:
"Much of the
domes and dome cities people are visually seeing exist on Uranus. Many
evacuees will be sent to there from Earth. Many will arrive in suspended
animation. Souls will be stepping into already-prepared cloned bodies,
while others will transfer their Third Dimension vehicles to the Fourth
Dimensional ones. Women will have 18-yearold bodies and men, 24 to 25.
Any older vehicles will be overhauled.
When evacuation does
occur, there will be several ways of removal. There will not be as much
planned boarding as was originally planned. More will go in the Raptured
type and be gone in a second just before or during a major Earth change.
In all the confusion, none will suspect.
experiment where this was tried was in a past major quake in China,
where 200,000 were secretly removed."
During the
research in Utah in cooperation with Eve Carney, an interesting bit of
information came through. After a long pause in the Silence, she suddenly
"One of the
Astral Heavens has been closed! I'm seeing seven Astral levels. The door
of one has been totally shut off. Whoever is there is certainly going to
remain there for awhile. They are there now and will need to remain
there another 26,000 year span and then they will be given another
opportunity toward evolution.
I see that
the next Astral level is also going to be closed so that the complete
cleansing of the planet can be thoroughly accomplished. That second
level corresponds to the dark influences and resultant problems. With
the sealing off of these two levels, the mission of the Special
Volunteers will proceed smoothly."
There have been
scattered and random reports in the past concerning great landings, even
en mass, of Mother Ships, here and there and yonder.
World Teacher
Kuthumi has clarified this conjecture and requested that it be included
"The Space
Confederation has announced that the coming evacuation will not
necessarily involve landings except in rare isolated areas. They have
measured the hostility factor within the center core of your protective
forces, your local and national military stands throughout the planet.
It was determined that in most cases, a large majority of these forces
would openly attack us and fire upon us in the event of our appearing.
This they would do even in disastrous circumstances, and disrupt rescue,
thinking it to be some form of invasion.
We are therefore forced
to forsake almost all landings that had been planned and to resort to
the invisible levitation plan. This means that those who are calling for
our assistance will need to believe that we are there. Those with the
vision to see us, our ships and those who are being lifted, will be of
great benefit to those who do not see.
It is still
hoped throughout the Confederation that this material will fall into
many hands who are a part of these policing groups and military
reinforcements, and that this information will gentle the hostile spirit
when these events do come to pass. For to openly offer our rescue
assistance would be far less complicated than to enter your atmosphere
incognito and invisible. Please place this appeal within your text, and
trust that it may change the attitude of some who do not understand.
I am Kuthumi,
speaking for the Alliance for Peace in the Universe. Thank you."
Personally, I
have greatly appreciated the words of Commander Jycondria, Assistant to
Ashtar, as they have been given to us through spiritual messenger Lyara.
Again, we share
his words:
"As the
scenario reaches its final stages it will be experienced as a great time
warp. Time will appear to stand still in some experiences and in others,
to feel like entire lifetimes in hours, moments, or days. If you waste
your precious energy in reflecting upon the past, it will only further
confuse the Mental Body, which has no references but previous Earth
tapes, and cause more tension and anxiety in the emotional body. To live
in anticipation of tomorrow and the days to come is equally unfair,
because as always, the preparations, understanding, and endurance will
be given when you need it!
Some of you are now being given
foresight or foreknowledge. It is appropriate as a preparation and
conditioning, so that you are given both understanding and emotional
growth processes to soften the shock and be more effective to share your
processes with others during actual impact times. Much of this
preparation is unconscious and for some, conscious. Each of you will be
experiencing a magnification of unresolved energies now-through the
physical, emotional vehicles for complete release."
PHASE I of the Great Exodus
of souls from the planet will take place at a moment's notice when it is
determined that the inhabitants are in danger. The very second the great
computers show that needle has gone across a certain point, every
satellite and participating craft, already in readiness, will swing into
action. If it is not global in nature, but local areas of great danger,
persons may be lifted only until the danger subsides and just as
suddenly returned without recall. (In the former gatherings of the
Earthean Eagles, most all will be permitted recall, being of a spiritual
nature that permits it). The decisive events that trigger Phase I depend
upon man and his actions and activities.
PHASE I of the global
evacuation will come as the twinkling of an eye, with no time for any
prewarning of any significance. It will be a secret taking away of
spiritual leaders and teachers of the Light workers, but not those of
the Special Legion who will remain until the last phase is completed.
Phase I participants will be momentarily alerted at the time of any
threat to the planet or its crust.
Some may be
notified where to go and when. In this covert rescue they will be
invisibly levitated by beam to smaller ships that wait, on which they
will be transported to the great Mother Ships anchored high in the
atmosphere. Again it was repeated for emphasis, Phase I will remove all
of the Earth Volunteers on assignment except those of the Special Legion
who remain, highly protected, till all evacuation is completed .
It was stressed that it was impossible for them to state or give
a figure of how many will participate in any of the removals because of
the constant fluctuating population of the planet through death or
intervention of Human Will, and the opening of the chakras of the new
As mentioned earlier, there will be no landing areas for
Phase I. They will be overhead and none will land. The Scout Ships will
come wherever these special persons are.
Our Space Friends have
explained that the Second Phase of the global evacuation are those who
have followed the Leaders and Teachers of Light, and the children! This
Second Phase will be as close to the first as time permits, with the
Second immediately following the first. The Second Phase is vital, as we
return for the children of all ages and races. The child does not have
the power of choice in understanding nor personal accountability.
In Commander Jycondria's continuing message through Lyara, he
also speaks of the children:
children will naturally be lifted before the final phase of
evacuation. Some of you will assist young souls of children and will
be instruments in both entertainment and love until they are safely
removed. Many will move up with them during evacuation so that they
may pass up with the least amount of trauma possible.
Naturally most children will be boarded asleep - suspended
animation - for the trauma of events would be too strenuous until they
are to be awakened. The children will be initiated also, and as their
'veils' are lifted, they will appear as wise, mature adults in young
bodies with very worthy assignments of service and education like the
rest of you. Nurturing assignments which you as parents have received
will be ended, as you rejoice in the graduation and beauty of these
souls. Through the unlimited application of love, you will always be
able to communicate with others. Telepathy, tele-vision, and
teleportation will be among your unlimited abilities that you are
awakening to. Be not concerned about the children, for they will be
lovingly provided for."
Andromeda Rex
has also given me these comforting words:
"In this
phase the children will be attended to first, and special great ships
of paramount love vibration are especially prepared, with those of
great love to be in attendance upon these children. Your children will
not be lost from you. There are tracers within our complicated
equipment which can locate every soul. You can request and will be
given this information to comfort your hearts while you tarry with
Avalon has added this bit of information to the whole:
has been discussion of relocating medical personnel. This is an
emergency contingency that is not necessarily a part of global
evacuation. In times of great stress and truly phenomenal needs in a
certain area, that is not a threat to the planet, then those members of
the Special Legion who do have the necessary vocational attributes will
agree to be approached in emergencies for these relocations.
only a portion of the planet or certain sections are in danger or peril,
a mass of persons may be relocated to another safer area. This would not
constitute sufficient reason for evacuation, but mercy would permit a
relocation for them. In that case, expertise and abilities of the
Special Volunteers would accompany them to organize and care for them.
Our ships are
assigned to pick up persons of specific groupings. Those assigned to
medical personnel would disperse them and supplies to the neediest areas
of the planet, for the needs throughout the planet will be diversified,
and the ability to meet those needs must be balanced. Thus, much of the
lifting of these medically trained persons will be for relocating them
where great need is present.
This kind of
emergency action would fall into the activities of Phase II. There could
be much reshuffling of masses of persons to areas safer, cooler, warmer,
drier, or whatever is vital at that moment of time, yet not threatening
planetary annihilation.
prophesied the returning Lord would have an entourage of at least ten
thousand saints (Jude 14), but from the information we now have, that
figure could be updated to many millions.
Commanders of the Ashtar Command have explained to me that in whatever
time remains, the sky will be filled with ships extending an invitation
to rescue whosoever is without fear and whose vibratory frequency is
sufficient to bear the Levitation Beams. Due to the planetary turbulence
at the time, there will be only limited landings for this mass
This final
removal takes place as time permits and in accordance with whatever
disaster is prevalent.
"This will
be a mass hovering in the skies for whoever is unafraid to join with
us to be rescued. The ultimate destination of these will be determined
later. The moment at hand will require only that they be without fear
and of sufficient vibratory frequency to withstand the levitating beam
around them. Phase III makes up the invitation to the multitudes to
welcome whomsoever can withstand the activities of rescue and accept
our call, in whatever few moments are left, for we cannot linger in
your atmosphere when the turbulence gets underway.
This final
lift-off will, of course, also include those faithful Earth Commanders
who have borne the heavy responsibility of Earth details in
preparation for our coming. These are the kinds of things that will be
discussed with them at their briefings in the Secret Councils."
instruction from Lytton through Lyara should be included here:
must be totally cohesed in the moment of each day, with a total
commitment to the energies. Many are now called for the magnitude of
work to transpire. Few will be ready for this committed level of
service. The wheat is being separated from the chaff. Each Light Worker
will be given multiple hats - roles of service - as they have been given
multiple talents. It is most important in maintaining balance with these
responsibilities to separate your energies from yesterday's or
tomorrow's or anything unrelated to each exact moment and project. Then,
as the Holy Spirit descends upon you, perfect direction and action will
transpire with phenomenal and unprecedented levels of service.
Put your quiet moments and spiritual growth as number I. Be not
attached to planetary service. Only some will be facilitated for this
service and they will be assisted with the combined efforts of many
toward rapid and necessary projects. The major projects of the evolution
of Mankind at a consciousness level will not occur until the
interruption of life on the Planet.
Then both
those who exit on the Ships and those who drop their bodily vehicles
will be taken into various schools and experiences for their further
informative and helpful details make up the conclusion of Commander
Jycondria's message shared by Lyara:
"Some of you
are to be gatherers of supplies and essentials for others that will come
to you in the final moments ahead. Simplify your lives that you will not
be burdened with extraneous material possessions. Many of your homes
will become filled with your spiritual family before departure, and
space will become a premium.
Besides the citizens of Earth,
successful evacuation will be given to all the Spiritual Centers both in
the Etheric and the Physical in the mountains and beneath the Earth's
surface. Records, energy and healing devices, and all instruments of
Brotherhoods, will be removed to be returned with life on Earth at a
later day. Even today's plants and animal specimens (similar to the
enactment of Noah's Ark) are being removed to various planets for
successful hybridization to vibrationally prepare for their return.
spirits and plant and animal Devas are being removed to continue their
evolution and return in greater forms and expressions. Ships which have
been left within the Earth for this time will be reactivated, as they
will be locally used and then lifted with the evacuation. The
civilizations within Middle Earth which serve the Light will be
evacuated as well as all life upon the surface. No life will be left for
the cleansing cycle, in any dimension or expression.
You have
been previously instructed as to the 'why's' - now you have received
more instructions as to the ''how's.'' Trust the perfection, preciseness
and experience of the Intergalactic Fleet. Many contingencies and
details which you could not even fathom at this time have been allowed
for. Remain calm, trust the process, and all will go smoothly with
lift-off. We are not only manifesting the lights in the sky, but
expanding the love and understanding in your heart. Trust our words! Our
actions will speak for themselves. Welcome home. The reunion will soon
be occurring aboard the ships. Bless you."
- Jycondria
(Assistant to Ashtar)
In response
to some questions asked of my Space Friends, I was told that the areas of
Earth to be repopulated first will depend totally upon what nature of
cataclysm has taken place upon the Planet.
Some members of
the Intergalactic Fleet will relocate with us for assistance in
rehabilitating the survivors and introducing helpful advances to the
Planet, as advisors in many fields such as education, art, government,
horticulture, and spiritual guidance.
Commander Voltra, a leading
Space Psychologist with the Commands, spoke to me of these blessings:
"I command a
fleet of those who monitor the vibratory rate of Mankind, as well as the
frequency changes in Nature and all manifest life upon the planet. It is
a great joy to us when the data banks fill with good tidings of another
soul, here and there, who has turned to the unfolding Light and awakened
to truth in accordance with his own understanding of things. Such a
soul, if it continues to seek, will ultimately find the uninhibited
truth of all things and add his or her measure of Light to that already
upon the Planet.
We have so much scientific data to share with
Earth, and much benevolent knowledge to give you for your own well-being
and blessing, but these must be withheld until that time when Hu-Man has
evolved into Man and can be invested with great revelations. You will
see many things upon our Ships that will astound you and truly electrify
your understanding of the Laws of the Universe.
There is so much
that you do not understand and upon which you are building false
conclusions. Your concepts of gravity and energy are cause for much
error in your approach to applied physics. The coming interplanetary
fellowship will bring Men of Earth unheard of scientific enlightenment,
under the New Order . Already many of those who will be given these
formulas and concepts are born unto you and bring with them the
capability of understanding new principles. These new thoughts will
truly bring in a Golden Age of Enlightenment and Abundance.
war is removed from your plane of existence and love prevails upon
Earth, then all of the great blessings of other worlds will be shared
freely with you in perfect love. Fret not for the changes that must come
to make this possible. Think only of the great New Earth to come with
deliverance, health and peace. I am Voltra, who speaks in the brightness
of Our Radiant One.
Vasu, Vasu.
I am Voltra.”
of the Intergalactic Fleet, speaking through Lyara, puts it bluntly:
"Earth - as a
playground and educational institution - is closing down for a period.
After a cleansing and remodeling has transpired, it will be reopened,
but with a greater curriculum and staff to challenge the eager students
of life into more preparations for even greater horizons that will
challenge them after graduation.
successful preparations, those returning to Earth will know the
Universal Laws and be prepared to live in harmony with them.”
Lyara also
shares these words from our Beloved Jesus:
"You are
rapidly moving internally from an awareness of a possibility of these
events to pass on to an absolute knowing that the accounting and
recording must be activated now. The Trumpets will be soon sounded, and
with the sounding, will come forth my children to be lifted up by the
vibration each of your souls have achieved. Commitment to an
Institution, Church, or Synagogue will not assure salvation. But those
who have sincerely sought out the love of God in their hearts and then
applied those higher principles of service and joy toward the higher
development and service to others. Knowledge from book-learning will
profit nothing. The gathering of knowledge and wisdom in thought and
deed will count for everything.
“Woe, that I weep for the
children who have not learned from Earth and will not be prepared to
move into the Higher Worlds with me. They must suffer more experiences
until they surrender to the loving Father who can cleanse their pain,
dry their tears, and purify their hearts. Many are called, as always,
but few have developed the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
“Let go immediately of any unresolved energies or emotions which
are binding you to Earth, whether it is the sin of attachment to
material possessions or the continual lustful thoughts of passion in
your mind. Release your resentments, your fears, your needs to feed your
ego. Forgive your neighbor, your friends, and even the bums in your
community. Judge nothing as less than Divine, perfect in its own unique
way. Accept everything equally as beautiful and good. Trust that life
force/source to sustain you with all that you need now and in the days
to come. All is God! Awaken to the glory of that joy as creation is spun
from the illusion of separation into the Oneness of creation for all to
witness that participate.
Oh, Father, bless and rejoice for each
soul that moves forward with me. Bless those who are not ready, that
their evolution be quickened.
My love constantly abides with all
of you. Soon you will see me, as now you consciously feel me." -
spiritual designers of this volume have asked that I repeat a message that
came some time earlier this year from the great Chohan, Hilarion.
The message has
already appeared in print in several places, but it is an appeal that is
vital and bears repeating once again:
"I am
Hilarion, thy Brother of the Emerald Ray. I have returned to you once
again in order that my words might be broadcast to the people who serve
the Light and the Manifesto of the Ascended Masters who guard and guide
the planet Earth:
"It is imperative that now at this time the
persons who are connected in any way with the Representation of the
Spiritual Hierarchy shall begin to come together in Oneness and in Love
and Tolerance of one another, in order that a great pink cloud of Love
and Unity might float throughout the Land and bring blessing to its
We look upon
many divisions and many variations of the Great Truth, but we see within
all and through all, a great lack of cohesion and inner Oneness designed
toward a bringing together of the Souls who serve under many banners. I
speak to you now, my Beloved Ones of the New Age understanding. I speak
to those who are the Enlightened Ones. I speak to those who have found
their way out from the coalitions of Darkness and Manmade hierarchies of
I speak to our Sons and Daughters of wisdom and
deliverance. I call for a uniting of all those Light Beings in whatever
Ray of Service you find yourselves, in whatever allegiance to whatever
Master or Body of Revelation you serve in the Legions of Light.
I call for a setting aside of all attitudes of separateness
within the fold of our Emissaries, to unite yourself as a Great
Impenetrable Wall of Light against the strongholds of invasion from the
Dark Emissaries who would seek to divide you and to conquer your Great
Light. Take care that not one iota of interference from these shall be
permitted nor tolerated within Thy fold.
Hold fast to
a stronghold of Blue Light around every Group, every Circle, every
effort extended toward the ongoing enlightenment of this day. Let not
any division be found among you, let not the imperfections of Human
manifestation disturb your inner peace or your great stillness. Through
these means much gain is lost, much victory is weakened by the internal
strife of the personality!
This is that hour when the greatest
of LOVE must prevail. The patience of Love must overshadow every joint
undertaking and every combined effort for our great Hierarchal Program.
Cleanse yourselves of all Human pettiness and lesser emotions that
frustrate the action of Love in your midst. The time is come when Love
must unite you in one solidified nucleus of purity. The Gates of Hell
itself cannot prevail against Love in United Action within the body of
our Lighted Ones.
My Blessing and my Benediction be upon each
and every one of you who serve the Great Light in this day. The Light of
God shall not fail.
I am
Hilarion, of the Emerald Ray.”
Rex, whom we have come to love so very dearly, brought me this final
message as the book neared the closing:
"The Great
Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly. The flash of
emergency events will be as the lightning that flashes in the sky. So
sudden and so quick in its happening that it is over almost before you
are aware of its presence. And so it will be when the events that
warrant this action have come to the Planet. It is not possible to
totally describe these events, but it is possible to instill at this
time into the hearts of Humanity the hope and the knowledge of our
vigilance and emergency actions on their behalf.
Our rescue
ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to
set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And allover the globe
where events warrant it, this will be the method of evacuation. Mankind
will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller
Scout Craft. These smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the
larger Mother Ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is
ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people.
has been explained to you in the past that there is a certain amount of
preparedness necessary because of exposure to this powerful levitating
beam which will be operating in these circumstances. The frequency of it
will be higher than most of your known electrical Earthly exposures.
Those of extreme density and extreme selfish dispositions - especially
at the expense of others - or causing suffering to others, will find
extreme physical difficulty in surviving in the frequency of our beams.
This is why
our messages have been broadcast to Mankind over the centuries to lift
his own emanations and vibrations to a status of Love and Selflessness
so that in so doing, a compatibility of forcefields will make his rescue
possible. Those who have lived closely aligned to the Father's Will in
their lives and have let the Love of the Father flow through them, will
have no problem with the frequency of the Evacuation Rays.
For a high
state of Love in the Human heart reacts upon the Human forcefield
surrounding the physical form, giving it an electrical sheath of
protection and a blending with the incoming vibrations between now and
that time. Indeed, if enough souls could experience perfect Love, there
could very well be no need for a removal of Humanity.
There is
nothing to be feared in coming into our midst. We are loving, normal
persons, as yourselves, with the attitude of good neighbors and helpers
in a time of crisis. We are prepared with clothing, and your foods, and
the needs to which you have accustomed yourselves. We will not be
guards, but friends, and you will enjoy your time with us, especially as
you look upon your Planet in its turmoil. Those beamed up in Physical
form will be accelerated and quickened within that Physical form to a
more Spiritual essence within the body, into what has been termed 'Light
The Physical
form will remain the same in appearance to most, but that higher
blending of the Etheric with the Physical will bring about change, and
eliminate sickness and physical disharmony among you. There will be a
period of time to be spent with us, for your beautiful Earth must be
healed in its cleansing, and given time to return to its true glory.
Then those who have been lifted in the body will be returned to
reconstruct a New World and a New Order of things.
As you tarry
with us, you will be given the opportunity to attend classes and
training for the work which will need to be done. You will be given our
constant help in doing this; our advice and our technology will be at
the disposal of these returning ones. Many others who have been lifted
through natural transition will be returned in new bodies to participate
in the new awakening.
Those who
could not participate in the lifting off rescue will be transported,
following their natural transition, to locations with a vibration and
frequency equal to their own, where they may grow and learn at a pace
slower than the new vibration of Planet Earth. For the Earth will be in
an accelerated and very high frequency as it finds expression in the new
Aquarian Age.
In the beginning of this great occurrence, time
will be of the essence and all must be done in great haste and in a
minimum of time. We will not have time to tarry, but must work speedily
in the Phase III portion of the rescue of the multitudes who consciously
choose to be included. You must understand that this great activity will
only be set into motion when events on Earth have reached a crisis. We
may not interfere with your lives in any way unnecessarily or too soon.
But only in
that last moment of danger to the masses will the final stages of
evacuation be set into motion. The other two Phases will have been
completed. The Light Workers, along with those who have followed them
and assisted them, will already have been removed. The final lift-up
will be of the multitudes who desire to come and can participate in
time. This Phase will continue as long as the situation allows, which at
best, will be brief!
Most of you, while in the sleep state, have
already been brought into our craft for acclimation and adjustment, the
memory of which will be quickened within you as a recall when the true
lift-up takes place.
There is nothing to fear. Let great joy
abound in thankfulness to the Father of all, that not one thoughtful
detail will be overlooked to overshadow you with His Love and His Care
for you who have put your trust in Him.
I am
Andromeda Rex, one who speaks for the Ashtar Command."
I have
chosen to give beloved Matton the last word because of the nature of his
appeal. Matton is the busy coordinator of all the Volunteer Units serving
within Earth's atmosphere in these final events. He often speaks of the
beautiful and loyal dedication to this Mission of International and World
Peace, of these men and women of other worlds who serve here.
His desire with
this message was to speak of the coming armadas of craft in the final
stage of evacuation.
"The hour
when the call is extended to Mankind, while very broad and universal,
will come very quickly and will not be extended but for a very short
period of time. At that point in time, the atmosphere will be dangerous
to us as well as to you Earthlings, and to linger in it would destroy us
both. Therefore, let me stress that Humankind cannot wait until that
moment to decide what they will do, for the time will be so limited and
those who choose first will be taken first.
It would be
well for mankind to think on these things now, and ask himself what he
will do in that eventuality. Not only that, but to ask himself also
whether or not he would qualify for survival of the operation, in terms
of personal frequencies and attitudes. There will be no time then to set
about changing oneself, or beginning then to attempt personal change
within one's lower bodies. What a man is within himself will be revealed
by all to see when he steps into those Levitation Rays. Density and low
vibrations will not survive them, only the higher aspired mind and the
pure heart will be immune to them.
Now it is an incredible thing
to us that Earth persons would so long neglect that which is the only
reality of all life. It is not the materialistic accumulations of a
lifetime that matter at all in the hour when you face your rescue. Human
opinions and the perils of pride, the falsity of ego-centered thought
and activity, will all perish in the twinkling of an eye. Only love for
others will make the Ascension, service to others will lay up treasures
in Heaven, but selfishness and guile will be destroyed in that hour.
Therefore, we plead with all souls now, to think on these
things, to consider the innermost parts of being, and judge yourselves
that ye be not judged, and receive the help of the incoming Great Rays
now being poured upon the Planet. These Great Rays are here to assist
you in your spiritual aspirations and if that is the desire of your
heart, you have much Heavenly assistance coming to you at this time. Now
is the time to make yourself ready to be taken by the Ships.
Not to sit in
the seat of the scornful, but to wholeheartedly enter into the spirit of
Love for those who come and desire even now to begin to speak to others
of this Great Plan to come. At least to those of your immediate family
and immediate circle of friends. Think on these things together. Think
of the vibrational compatibility that is necessary to be with us, to
live with us, until your Earth home is prepared for you once again. I
plead with you, ponder these things. This text is released now, for the
small portion of time that remains, that Humanity would still have an
opportunity to return to the blessed life and the guidance of the
Guardians to take you safely home.
How will you feel within your
own being when your eyes behold the sky black with craft over your head?
How will you feel? Thankful? Frightened? Inadequate? Insecure? Or
rejoicing and eager to betaken out of the turmoil. This final massive
maneuver of Phase III will be Humanity's last opportunity to retain the
present Physical form and be kept within our Ships until the calamities
be passed.
This is Matton, closing the contact. Thank you,
"And my
heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you, Dear Brothers, for this
wonderful opportunity to serve with you.
This is Tuella ...
closing the book!"